Sunday, November 9, 2008

Creating a list of other giveaways

Ok, so I've been trying to figure out how to get more people to visit my blog. Then I realized, maybe I'm not the only one having a hard time generating traffic on my blog. I let this thought rumble around in my brain and then when I recently posted a review, a fellow blogger, Wendi, left a comment so I visited her blog. Low and behold, there was a list exactly like I wanted to do on her main page! She has lists of people giving away books. So, I'm going to take my queue from her and set up a list as well. I do have one requirement which is if the book or your site isn't "family" friendly, that you make a note of it. By family friendly, I mean if the book contains sexual content, swearing, etc that I'm able to let any visitors judge ahead of time whether they want to head to the drawing. I don't want people to link from my site to a book they might find offensive, innappropriate, questionable, etc. We all have varying tastes when it comes to reading and my first concern is for those readers who read only Christian fiction. I will still post for your drawing, just with a caution to the reader. :) With that out of the way, let's get down to the nitty gritty. What do you need to do? Send me the following info:

Your name
The name of your blog/site
The title of the giveaway
Start and finish dates for the drawing
Any cautions for the drawing
Any other info you want me to post

I hope this will be one more way to draw people to sites promoting authors!


  1. Your name: Cecelia Dowdy
    The name of your blog/site: My Chrstian Fiction Blog
    The title of the giveaway:November Book Giveaway! Here's the link for the giveaway, but feel free to visit the blog! I've got some interesting posts!:
    Start and finish dates for the drawing: the entire month of November
    Any cautions for the drawing: Two of the books are sweet romances, not Christian fiction, but the rest of the titles are Christian
    Any other info you want me to post: please respond to the question I posed in the Book Giveaway Blog Entry when you leave your comment for the drawning.

  2. Your name - Janna

    The name of your blog/site - Cornhusker Academy

    The title of the giveaway - Thanksgiving Blessings

    Start and finish dates for the drawing - Tons of drawings Wednesday, December 3rd - midnight

    Any cautions for the drawing - Don't miss out!

    Any other info you want me to post -

  3. Donna Moore
    Write by Faith
    I write reviews and have author interviews every month. In doing so I also give away about three books a month which include both fiction and nonfiction. The month of December has two bookgive aways a week.

  4. I am hosting a giveaway on my blog at

    I am giving away Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson. The giveaway will run through January 23.

  5. Hello:
    I came across your site and your interest in spiritual books, and hoped you might be interested in my Christ-based book. I'm a college English professor and ordained deacon who has authored a soon-to-be released book called Teach and Reach for Classroom Miracles! Lessons on Teaching with Love. It's being published through CSS/Faithwalk Publishing and aimed primarily at teachers, youth leaders, and others who have the opportunity to empower others through love. If you are interested, you may visit my site at
    Thank you for letting me share.
    God bless!

  6. Oh my goodness...I feel so not smart right now! It took me forever to figure out how to leave a comment here! I must be having a blonde day!
    Anywho....thanks so much for the Lemonade Award!!! You are so sweet & your kind comments made my day. It's things like that that keep me blogging!! :)

    Thanks again...I'm going to add it to my awards page now!!!


  7. I've got a giant 100th post giveaway going on from 3/14/2009 - 3/31/2009

    13 book package!

    Also have two other giveaways, info in right sidebar!

  8. Sally from Smiling Sally
    and Book Critiques

    I'm giving away three books at the moment.

    Journey by Angela Hunt

    Angel of Wrath by Bill Myers

    If Tomorrow Never Comes by Marlo Schalesky

  9. Name: Cathy Bryant

    Blog Name: WordVessel

    Titles of Giveaways: "His Name Is Jesus" by Max Lucado (through Sat. April 4th)
    "The Taking of Carly Bradford" by Ramona Richards (Monday-Wednesday, April 6-8)
    "The House in Grosvenor Square" by Linore Rose Burkard (Thursday-Saturday, April 16-18)
    "Enduring Justice" by Amy Wallace (Monday-Wednesday, April 27-29)

    Caution: Must leave comment with contact info to be entered; when there's a book review & author interview, leave comment to both to be entered twice.

    Other info:


  10. Your name:
    Andrea Schultz

    The name of your blog/site: Ponderings by Andrea

    The title of the giveaway:
    12 Pearls of Christmas Pearl Necklace Giveaway

    Start and finish dates for the drawing:
    12/13/09 to 12/25/09

    Any cautions for the drawing:
    None; just a chance for beautiful jewelry!

    Any other info you want me to post:
    I am a new blogger who is looking for followers and bloggers. I appreciate your kindness, and thanks for following on mine, bigguysmama!

  11. Your name Linda Wagner
    The name of your blog/site or
    The title of the giveaway 'Set Apart' by Jennifer Kennedy Dean
    Start and finish dates for the drawing Now through Jan. 13, 2010
    Any cautions for the drawing Open to the US only.
    Any other info you want me to post Book is a study of the Beatitudes.

  12. My Name: Casey
    My Blog Name: Writing for Christ
    My Blog URL:

    Book Giveaway: Third Times a Charm by Virgina Smith

    Ends: February 5th
    Cautions: None
    Other comments: Go to my blog and click on the picture of the book under "My Current Giveaway"

    Thank you Mimi!

  13. Name: Tracy

    Blog: Ascending Butterfly


    Info: We have a monthly book club with a new title each month. For the month of Feb 2010 our featured book in the spotlight is called 'Dancing With Butterflies' our March book is 'The Shift' by Dr. Wayne Dyer!

    Ends: never, our book club is monthly and ongoing year round

    Cautions: None our books tend to be inspirational/motivational

    Restrictions: 18+ USA

    Thanks for the linky! :-)

  14. Hi Mimi :)
    I am hosting a 2 Bbook giveaway at my site *She Sparkles*.

    Both books are Christian books to help build and strengthen relationships. They are...
    Dancing with My Father by Sally Clarkson &
    Mother-Daughter Duet by Cheri Fuller and Ali Plum

    The giveaway will last until 9:00 PM tonight. I'd love for you to share the word!

    Many blessings to you~
    Cindy :)

  15. Monique Burkes
    Arms of a Sister
    I write book reviews and product reviews. I offer giveaways as well, but it's not the basisif ro my blog.

    thanks for sharing!
    Came over from BlogFrog. I'd love to be your blog buddy - monique dot burkes at gmail dot com


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment!