Christmas is on the way so I'm going to be giving away 2 different sets of 3 books. The first I would say is YA fiction. The 3 books are: Infadel (Graphic Novel Book 2) by Ted Dekker, the first escape by G.P. Taylor, and Mixed Bags by Melody Carlson.

Then I have 3 general fiction books: More Pages from the red suit diaries by Ed Butchart (non-fiction), Shadow of Colossus by T.L. Higley, and the yadayada Prayer Group Gets Rolling ~ Party Edition by Neta Jackson.

To enter, just leave your name and
email and you must be a US resident. Let me know which set you would like to win or if you want to be entered for both. I plan to have the drawing December 10 so I can mail it before Christmas. To sweeten the pot, if someone signs up to win the books and uses you as a reference in their post, I will give you an extra entry. :) Another way to get an extra entry is to post a link to this contest on your site or blog. If you add a link, let me know. I won't be checking so I'll be going on the honor system. :) Blessings, Mimi
HI! Oh, I'd like to be entered in the YA drawing. Those sound great.
Thank-you very much for the opportunity to win books. Got to love that.
I would like to be entered in the adult trio of books.
Gayla Collins
Hi...what a great giveaway! I'd like to be entered for both please. Thank you!
I'm checking out links and people's blogs via the ACFW Book Club and must say I'm having fun. Should I win I'd enjoy either set. Thanks so much. Blessings to you.
My email:
What a great giveaway! :-) I'd like to be entered for both, thank you! I think I'd choose the set with the Ted Dekker graphic novels first. :-)
I also posted about the contest on my blog!
Thanks and God bless!
ladyufshalott at
I'd love to win the YA set. What a great idea for a contest! Ya fiction is my favorite!
liatheddrfreak (dot) gmail (dot) com
Oh, I would love the first set. Two would be for my two teens and I'd read the Mixed Bags novel since I'd wanted to review it anyway and don't have a copy. So PICK ME! My son really loves Dekker and graphic novels. :) Purty please?
Whoops. I don't usually enter contests for stuff so I forgot my addy joyfulhutch [at] msn [dot] com. Thanks!
I'd love to be entered for both!! And I found out about it from Lindsey at A Kindred Spirit.
sj3girls AT hotmail DOT com
What a great Christmas gift opportunity. I would appreciate being included in the drawing for the adult books. Thank you!
Would love to be entered for both sets. Thank you!
I'd like to be entered for the general fiction set, please. Thanks for the giveaway!
geebee.reads AT gmail DOT com
It would be fun to win! I would like to be entered into the general fiction set one!
I am reading House by Ted Dekker. It is intense. I would love to have more books to read.
Three books at once, how fun! They all look great but please enter me in the YA set. Thanks.
Pam Williams
cepjwms at yahoo dot com
i would love to be entered in both, thanks.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Oh, please enter me for both! Thanks Mimi!
ryanx6 at msn dot com
Thanks for the opportunity to win these books!
I would like to be entered for the Adult general fiction books.
Thank you,
Becky C.
hi Mimi...
Enter me in the 3 adult general fiction. Thanks for the opportunity. Great Blog.
Sherry Dennis
Can't wait to read your books. (When I win of course)
I would love to be entered for both.
Hi, please enter me in for the drawing of the books. :) I'm interested in the general fiction ones. Thanks! purposedrivenlife4you (at) gmail (dot) com
I found it I found it. Please put me on your book giveaway contest. thank you thank you thank you. This is Judi from facebook, and heavenly daze.
Oh YAY! My sons and I all each get a book! Merry Christmas to you Mimi and don't worry that everyone doesn't win. I admire your heart and can tell you that it gets easier. People are used to not winning. Trust me on that. :) But when they do win, how sweet it is!
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