Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Finishing Fall Into Reading 2008

We've finished up the Fall version of Fall Into Reading started by Callapidder Days. Katrina encouraged us to make a list of books we'd read over a 3 1/2 month period. This was my first reading challenge and bit off more than I could chew.

I say that because I didn't count in the books I would receive to review during the month of November. I also forgot that Tuesday and Wednesday nights are busy nights for me with kids activities and being gone Saturday days/nights as well with work. Then there was all the stuff that came up in between. In a positive light of not finishing my list, I added to my reading pile the review books, which I didn't get them all on my blog list.

My next reading challenge will have fewer books to make room for the unexpected ones that show up. Speaking of which, I read from a lot of new authors I've never heard of before. One of those authors was Christa Ann Banister and her Around the World in 80 Dates series. Iread both of her books in just a couple of days and loved them. T.L. Higley was another new author that I thoroughly enjoyed. Her book Shadow of Colossus was a new time period for me in Christian fiction.

My favorite book that I read this time was probably a toss up between Leave it to Chance by Sherri Sand or Hannah Grace by Sharlene MacLaren. My least favorite was The First Escape by G.P. Taylor. It's a youth fiction that's also a graphic novel combined. Loved the graphics, but didn't get the story. I enjoy youth fiction, so that wasn't part of my decision.

I would definitely encourage people to have reading goals such as this one. Of course, my suggestion would be to make it something attainable, unlike my first one. I will for sure be shortening my list for the Spring!
My thanks to Katrina at Callalpidder for hosting this event. You can for sure count me in, on a lesser scale, for your Spring Reading Challenge.


  1. Congratulations on what you accomplished during the challenge!

  2. Great job on the challenge. It is fun to discover new authors.


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