Sunday, January 25, 2009

call me the Movie Critic ~ "Wanted"

Baffling, that's all I can say. I just finished watching Wanted with Angelina Jolie & James McAvoy. When I saw the previews for it, I knew I wanted to see it. Yes, I'm a girl who likes action movies.

So, I throw the DVD in tonight and I was blown away. Ok, ask...ask me why. "Why?" There was so much swearing that I could hardly pay attention to the movie. I can't even begin to tally the number of times the *f* bomb was said. I understand that script writers believe movie goers can't get through a film without hearing at least a dozen swear words along with God's name taken in various ways.

What's the stinkin' point? The number of times the *f* word was said was waaay past what was necessary. Plugged-in Online (part of Focus on the Family) counted " least four dozen f-words...Two dozen s-words...". When is that helpful to a movie? When does that exorbitant amount add to the dialog or the intensity of the moment? Excessive swearing throughout an entire movie only takes away and makes it unwatchable.

Because I liked the premise of the movie, I watched about 1/2 the movie on regular speed. The rest I fast-farwarded. Man, I am so disappointed! This could've been such a fantastic movie! Add dialog the audience can comfortably and enjoyable sit through and I honestly believe they would've had more viewers.
James McAvoy is handsome and a great actor. Angelina Jolie is beautiful and fantastic in any action movie. I couldn't imagine anything better than seeing these two in a shoot 'em up movie. Yes, there was a lot of bloodshed and graphic violence. That wasn't surprising to me because I expected it, to a degree. It was more than I thought when I saw the trailers.

The movie has some pretty graphic sex scenes as well. Man, why didn't I read Plugged-in's review before I got it? Thankful I didn't spend a dime on it, unfortunately the Public Library did. What a waste of money.

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