Monday, February 2, 2009

The Lemonade Award

The Lemonade Award is for blogs with great attitude and/or gratitude. There are so many blogs that deserve this award! I received this award from fellow blogger Wendi B and her blog Wendi's Book Corner.
So, I'll contintue and send the Lemonade stand to
  • Audra at her Seriously? blog. She is so funny when she shares her "random" thoughts. She also works for The B & B Media Group. It's fun keeping up with her life!
  • Heather's blog The Gift Closet is so awesome to keep up with. She always has something new to giveaway from someone else (as well as herself). She's always trying to promote other women entrepreneurs. The creations tend to be very unique!
There are a lot of blogs that I follow, but I don't want to overwhelm them all with Awards over and over. I'd encourage you to visit these two blogs and see why they deserve this award.


  1. Thank you for my award! I really appreciate it and you too.

  2. Hey, I gave you an award over at my blog.

    www. reviewzbyjewelz. blogspot. com

  3. I tagged you for the picture meme on my blog. Go check it out to see what you need to do.


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