Thursday, February 12, 2009

Novels of Hope Contest

Author Tina Ann Forkner (Ruby Among Us) has a huge contest on her website through the end of the month. She is encouraging people to blog or comment on a novel that has given you a strong sense of hope. The contest is called Novels of Hope. How fantastic is that? Click on Tina's name to visit her site and to learn more about this giveaway.

When my husband and I separated, I was very angry and bitter. My mentor, JoAnn, received a book from the Youth Pastor at our church called, The Bait of Satan: Living Free From the Deadly Trap of Offense by John Bevere. I want to state that the forward is written by Benny Hinn, who I am NOT a follower of. I have opinions about Hinn and those like him, but won't waste my breath talking about it in this post that's supposed to be filled with hope. :)
The Bait of Satan came in the very early stages of my separation from my husband. He had hurt our entire family by his actions and as a mom, it was extremely easy for me to carry a boat load of bitterness and hate for this man. I think most people would've been just fine knowing what he did and seeing my reaction.
Unfortunately, God wouldn't have been as pleased with my response. That's what this book brought out in my life. Mr. Bevere shows us throughout the book ways that Satan gets footholds in what we think might be inconsequential at the time, but becomes life draining.
Time and time again, The Bait of Satan uses scripture to convey the message that we need to forgive, regardless of how offended we might be. The big offenses we keep are so minimal compared to what Jesus gave up for our offenses against Him.
This is a book that gave me the hope of forgiveness toward a man I didn't believe I could ever speak to again. That in itself is a miracle!
Visit Tina's website to learn more about her giveaway associated with this blog post. She gives numerous opportunities to earn points. She also lists the books on her site that she's giving away. Let us know of novels that have given you hope! ~Mimi

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