Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Picture Tag

I was tagged by Donna at Write by Faith. for a little photo meme. Let me tell ya, I'm a bit nervous!!

Here are the rules:
Find your 5th photo file folder, then the 5th photo in that file folder.
Post that picture on your blog. Tag 5 others to do the same.
Here’s my picture:

This is a picture of 2008's Cub Scout Pinewood Derby. I haven't had a chance to edit it or lighten it up. Jake's car is right by the corner of the desk. Here's the good and bad news about this car. The bad news, it didn't even make it down the track most of the time. When he used it for the AWANA derby, he won for best looking car! It was painted a shiny silver. He put an army dude sitting "in" it, and using gold stickers created a snake going down the middle and lightening down the sides. Now, back to the bad news, our 9 month old puppy got hold of it when my son left it out back in December and he pretty much ate it!! :( Here's a more recent snapshot of the derby car...(note army guy's headless)

1 comment:

  1. Pinewood derby's are so much fun. My oldest did one for RA's a couple of years back. I am so sorry the dog got ahold of it. It does make for a great story though.


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