Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Christy Award Nominees/Faith 'n Fiction Saturdays

Did you know that Christian fiction has their own award? It's called the Christy Award. Here's some information about The Christy Award from the website:

The Christy Award is designed to:

*Nurture and encourage creativity and quality in the writing and publishing of fiction written from a Christian worldview.

* Bring a new awareness of the breadth and depth of fiction choices available, helping to broaden the readership.

* Provide opportunity to recognize novelists whose work may not have reached bestseller status

The 2009 Christy Award Nominees were recently announced. Today's assignment is to look at the list of nominees and share with us whether or not you have read any of them. If you haven't read that particular novel, have you read anything by that author? Have you read all of the books in any category? What are your favorite books on the list? Are there any books you haven't heard of?

And, I'm just throwing this out there, but I think one year there was a Christy challenge. A reading challenge is basically when you choose books off a pre-set list or around a theme to read within a certain time frame. Does anyone know if this is still going on? If it's not, would anyone be interested in joining in on one? I'd be willing to host it. And lastly, I'm working on Faith 'n Fiction Saturday having our own awards for books!

I've read:

Beyond the Night by Marlo Schalesky

Dogwood by Chris Fabry

Shadow of Colossus by T.L. Higley

The Rook by Stephen James

The Fruit of My Lipstick by Shelley Adina

I've read Susan May Warren's first two books in her Noble Legacy series. Finding Stephanie is the only one not on my bookshelf at this point. My daughters read it an enjoyed it though. I emailed Susan the first day I saw the list from Title Trakk. I was so excited to see her name on the list.

I have yet to read a Tracey Bateman book and really would like to. Other books I'd like to read that are on the Christy list are:
  • Nancy Moser's Washington's Lady

  • Tamera Alexander's From a Distance
I have Tuesday Night at the Blue Moon but have yet to read it.
I'm surprised Sharon Hinck isn't on this list. Some others I'm surprised at not being on the list are; Robert Liparulo for his Dreamhouse Kings series and Bryan Davis for his Echoes from the Edge series. I'm also bummed taht Debbie Viguie isn't in the Youth category for her Seasons series. The last 2 authors who I believe should be on here somewhere: Julie Klassen and Cathy Marie Hake.

I agree with Amy that there should be a "Fan" category where we can nominate books that we liked. After looking at the Nominees (top right of my blog), let me know if you've read any of the books, any you'd like to read, and any that you think should've been on the list.

Checking out some of the "Visionary" books on I found The Battle for Vast Dominion is part of a really great series. I read the first book in the series Legend of the Firefish, parially. It was a historical/pirates type of book. It was a library book and I haven't had a chance to go back to it, but I thoroughly enjoyed it!


  1. I see that you've read a good assortment. I agree that Sharon Hinck and Rober Liparulo should be on the list. Ah well. Let's see who wins.

  2. I was surprised at who didn't make the list as well!

  3. Oh, there are so many I want to read! Deadlock is the first book I've read by Robert Liparulo but I'm thinking he should be on that list if the rest of his work is like that! You're right that you might want to read it during the day, but I didn't think it was "scary" (well, a little!) so much as just "really suspenseful." When I read it at night I couldnt sleep cause I was so keyed up, not because I was scared. :o)

  4. Sunny, thanks for sharing your thoughts on Deadfall. :)


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