Monday, March 23, 2009

Faith 'n Fiction Saturday (Monday)

Today's Question
While books and bookstores in general are suffering, Christian bookstores are suffering even more in this economy. Do you have a Christian bookstore that you shop at? Why don't you tell us about your local Christian bookstore and the benefits that if offers. If you don't shop at a Christian bookstore, then please tell us where you get your books, music, and other Christian gift items.
My response is coming late because my computer froze up on Saturday morning. Fun... So, even tho it's Monday, I'm going to put my answer up anyhow.
We have a fantastic Christian bookstore called Northwestern Bookstore in Maple Grove. It's about a 45 minute drive. So, these days I hardly ever make it down there. Probably a good thing since I can't afford much when I'm there. It's a very cozy place even tho it's large. There are several of these stores in MN and because of that we're able to meet lots of Christian authors. Because I'm not near them though, I don't get the chance to head down there as often as I like.
Otherwise, I typically get my stuff at Wal Mart if it's a CD or a book. Not really any places around that have Christian gift items, unfortunately.


  1. If you are that far away from a Christian bookstore, Walmart is the next best thing. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  2. Glad you are back up and running! I shop Walmart occasionally, but try to avoid it as much as possible. (ours are so busy all the time it's just a nightmare!)

    Thanks for stopping by my little spot, love your!


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