Today's Question:Have you ever read a book and been completely surprised by it? Was it either better than you were expecting, moving in ways you didn't expect, more captivating than you thought, or totally different from what you thought it would be about?

For me, the Sword of Lyric series (The Restorer) by Sharon Hinck was a surprise for me. I knew this book was going to be a sci-fi adventure, but didn't know how real Sharon would make the scriptures throughout the story. Sharon really brought home to me throughout the series the power of the spoken Word, that being the Word of the Bible. Combatting evil by speaking the words of the One can break the strongholds in a person's life. Sharon made it a stark reality in the character's of the book. It helped me to understand that I can use that as well against Satan.
Sci-fi is not my favorite genre, but I was given the second book in this triology. When I read it, I was most pleasantly surprised. Happy Faith ‘n Fiction Day. Here’s my answer:
Wow. Think I'll be going to look up this one. Thanks for recommending it.
I haven't read that series but you certainly make it sound good. Cool topic today. Anyone who wants to read my answer go to Free Spirit-
Hi Mimi
I did read the sequel to A Thousand Tomorrows. It was good but not as good as the first book. It is debatable whether This Side of Heaven is a stand alone or part of that series. :)
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