Exactly one week from today I will be the parent of a high school graduate. I'm wondering how that's possible. I'm pretty positive my "baby" was graduating from Kindergarten only a few years ago.
Brie has turned into a wonderful young lady. She'll be 18 in a couple of months so she's one of the youngest in her grade. She has always done well in school and has loved going. Unlike me, she's been in the same school district since 2nd grade. I'm so thankful my kids have had that stability, especially since out lives have been turned upside down a couple of times.
Lucky girl, Brie's last day is 3 days before the rest of the school district. I wonder what she'll do with herself. She spends her days either at school or at work. Many nights she doesn't come home until 10:30pm. I think that's why I feel like her life has flown by, I never see her. Her school work is 1/2 in high school college courses and 1/2 online college courses. After school she has 2 jobs she works: after school childcare and then at the grocery store.
Trying to keep tabs on this girl has not been the easiest thing in the world. We have a huge calendar on our kitchen wall, but I don't always look at it. I know, nice use of my "helper". Being off to college, I wonder how I'll ever know what she's up to.
Have any of you followers had a child graduate? How did you handle it? Was it hard for you? Does it get easier? Any advice on getting through my first child leaving? It's a huge shift in our family dynamic and since I rely on her so much I'm not sure how I'll manage. I'd appreciate any advice and prayers lifted up during the next couple of months. :)

Brie has turned into a wonderful young lady. She'll be 18 in a couple of months so she's one of the youngest in her grade. She has always done well in school and has loved going. Unlike me, she's been in the same school district since 2nd grade. I'm so thankful my kids have had that stability, especially since out lives have been turned upside down a couple of times.
Lucky girl, Brie's last day is 3 days before the rest of the school district. I wonder what she'll do with herself. She spends her days either at school or at work. Many nights she doesn't come home until 10:30pm. I think that's why I feel like her life has flown by, I never see her. Her school work is 1/2 in high school college courses and 1/2 online college courses. After school she has 2 jobs she works: after school childcare and then at the grocery store.
Trying to keep tabs on this girl has not been the easiest thing in the world. We have a huge calendar on our kitchen wall, but I don't always look at it. I know, nice use of my "helper". Being off to college, I wonder how I'll ever know what she's up to.
Have any of you followers had a child graduate? How did you handle it? Was it hard for you? Does it get easier? Any advice on getting through my first child leaving? It's a huge shift in our family dynamic and since I rely on her so much I'm not sure how I'll manage. I'd appreciate any advice and prayers lifted up during the next couple of months. :)
Keeping 'tabs' on you girl wasn't easy up to this point. It may get harder after she graduates. That's where you have to trust God that she has internalized her commitment to Jesus to 'stay on the narrow road.' It's a letting go, but still praying daily for direction for her. We do get through it!!!
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