Beyond This Moment
by Tamera Alexander
by Tamera Alexander
Bethany House / 2009 / Paperback
ISBN: 0764203908
Number of Pages: 384
First I'd like to start my review by thanking Jim at Bethany House for providing me with my copy of Beyond This Moment. I have to admit, I've seen the cover numerous times and not until I was 1/2 way through the book did I realize there was a man on the cover. :) I absolutely LOVE the cover and would've gotten the book simply for that reason.
This is the first novel I've read by Tamera Alexander. I'm partial to historical fiction and thoroughly enjoyed the story. We find Dr. Molly Whitcomb pulling into the Colorado Territory and making a decision that sets up the rest of the story. I think we can all relate to making a decision that entirely changes the direction of our lives. That's what happens with Molly.
Sheriff James McPherson finds himself getting to know Timber Ridge's newest teacher under less than desirable circumstances. He also finds himself wanting to get to know her more than any other woman he's ever met. Will James' feelings for Molly change after he learns what she's done, the secrets she's kept, and the lies she's told?
I loved everything about this story. I felt like I was right there in Timber Ridge. Each character brought to the story played a pivotal role. Tolliver, who's building the resort is easy to dislike because of how he treats the Italians who are working for a mere pittance. Mayor Davenport who cares only for himself. Bolden who is racist and shares the same feelings as many of those in those times.
Molly does her best to keep James at arms length, but he continues to pursue her. He has a sense for people and seems to know that she's a keeper. His sister, Rachel is immediately drawn to Molly and they have a bond that unites them, or so it appears.
Molly knows it's only a matter of time before what she hasn't shared with the good folks of Timber Ridge is known. Her prayer is that they might decide to keep her on as the school teacher and allow her to provide for herself. With the Mayor in charge, that's highly unlikely.
Beyond This Moment is the 2nd book in Tamera's Timber Ridge Reflections series. Having not read the first book I don't feel like I missed anything. I didn't feel like there were references to people I didn't know and I didn't feel like I was coming in to the middle of a story already in motion. This is easily a stand alone novel and one I would suggest to anyone who loves a great historical western.

Congratulations to Tamera who won the Christy Award today 7/11/09 for her book From A Distance, the first book in the Timber Ridge Reflection series!! Her category is Historical Romance!! Way to go Tamera Alexander.
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