by Max Lucado
Random House, Inc / 2009 / Hardcover
Number of Pages: 240
ISBN-13: 9781601421821
Ok, as many of you know, I'm not so thrilled with non-fiction. I typically struggle to get through a chapter, let alone an entire book!
I became part of the team getting the word out about Max Lucado's newest release Fearless. I was happy to join, but a bit apprehensive in the duty to read the book. I didn't want to promote a book I hadn't read, even though I trusted the author.
I decided last week it was time to dive in. There's so much to say, I'm not sure where to start and where to stop. I love my books staying in pristine condition. I know because of the elements they tend to weather over time. Other than that, you won't find any dog-eared pages or writing in my books. As for Fearless, there's a lot of underlining! I couldn't help it.
I felt as I was going through each chapter if I didn't underline what struck me as profound or applicable, I might not remember where to go back to. Our book club is already doing this book next month, and the book only released in September! How awesome is that?
Let's talk about the chapters and parts I found impactful. Here are some of the chapters that are covered in Fearless:
Fear of Not Mattering (which of us isn't concerned about whether or not we matter?)
Fear of Disappointing God (daily for me!)
Fear of Running Out (or as I renamed it for myself "Fear of Not Enough")
Fear of Not Protecting My Kids (this is a bigee)
Fear of Overwhelming Challenges
Fear of Worst-Case Scenarios
Fear of Violence
Fear of the Coming Winter
Fear of Life's Final Moments (probably the fear I deal with the most)
Fear of What's Next (occasionally when doubts seep in)
Fear That God Is Not Real (even Christians deal with this)
Fear of Global Calamity
Fear of God Getting Out of My Box
Now, let me share a few of the profound excerpts I underlined in my book:
Chapter 1
* "Fear is the bully in the high school hallway: brash, loud, and unproductive. For all the noise fear makes and room it takes, fear does little good."
* "...getting on board with Christ can mean getting soaked with Christ."
Chapter 3
* "Might bravery begin when the problem of sin is solved?"
* "Sin leads to hiding...We avoid contact with God."
Chapter 4
* "Anxiety makes tyrants out of us."
Chapter 5
* "Wise are the parents who regularly give their children back to God."
Those are just a few of the tidbits I gleanded from the book. You may notice that I missed chapter 2. Well, as with many other chapters, it wasn't just a line or two underlined. It was more like paragraphs.
If you check out the top of my blog, you will notice that I'm going to be putting quotes up of Max's book from time to time. I wish I could keep a copy of the book in several different places: my van, by my computer, and in my bedroom. I'd also like to keep copies to give to random people.

You can also go to to learn more about getting the word spread on this book. There you can listen to audio chapters and learn how you can earn points for some prizes he's giving away. I'm not sure on the status of joining the team, but you can find out when you join.
If you are interested in purchasing this book, you can type Fearless into the box in the right sidebar search box. They will take you to the most recently priced book at CBD. As of today, September 20, 2009 at 3:30 pm the book was $13.49!! That's for a hardcover book! How awesome is that? The price in this post is NOT guaranteed.
Check out Max below reading from his book Fearless. To hear more, you can find him on YouTube. Max Lucado and the team are looking for pictures of you being Fearless! Head to to learn more about ways to enter your pictures or to ask Max a question about Fear.
THIS JUST IN!!! I was given the ok to giveaway Max's book!! I'm so excited. Anyone who reads this book will come away viewing fear differently!! So, how do you enter? Here are a few ways to earn entries:
- What are you afraid of? Tell me one of your fears (1 entry)
- Become a fan on Facebook of Living Fearlessly and come back to let me know (5 entries)
- Become a follower of Max on Twitter and come back to let me know(5 entries)
- Have others do ALL 3 above and they let me know you recommended them (10 entries)
Sounds like a fearless book all right, tackling some difficult subjects.
Morgan Mandel
No need to enter me; just a note that we posted about this at Winning Readings:
Hi! I'd love to win this book. My biggest fear would be never marrying and aging completely alone. Funny I could write that in a stranger's blog but might not mention to most friends! My email address is lauraleighanderson(at)hotmail(dot)com
Please enter me! Sounds like something I might need to read.
What am I afraid of? How much time do you have? One of my fears is looking foolish in front of people. So mostly I avoid people if I can.
I have been hearing a lot about this book and would love to read it
email me at
richkinz at hotmail dot com
My biggest fear for the past 20plus
years was that something would happen to my husband before his mother died. Regardless of whatever it would be, I would be blamed. Well, MIL is now on her deathbed and my fear is quickly disappearing. I feel very sad for her in that she is suffering and does not know the Lord.
My fear would be dying and NOT going to heaven.
I fear that harm would come to my children.
One of my biggest fears is being alone.. not just for a day or afternoon, but being alone for good...
I signed up for Living Fearlessly on FB and for Max's Twitter.
Thanks! Barb C. ChristianHomes(at)gmail(dot)com
I love Max Lucado. I guess my greatest fear is being alone. I know that I will always have Jesus by my side, and I am so grateful for that. But I am trying to let go of my fear of being alone, and embracing God and his security he has for me. God Bless!
I signed up for the FB group, and am following Max on Twitter. Thanks
Me, I'm afraid of sooo many things!! For one thing, I'm scared to drive, don't have my liscence. I need to overcome that and I'm not sure when or if I'll be able to do so.
Fan on Facebook of Living Fearlessly!!
Fan on Facebook of Living Fearlessly!!
I follow Max on Twitter!
Oh, my address is: purposedrivenlife4you at gmail dot com Thanks!!
What am I afraid of? FAILURE. I am my worst critic, just to give me every chance of succeeding, but I STILL mess up! That whole HUMAN factor! :o) I'm following Max on twitter and am a fan of Living Fearlessly on facebook. Thanks! WillisWay(at)aol(dot)com.
My biggest fear I think is my husband's health challenges. He is a big man and I fear that I won't be able to take care of him. This book sounds awesome.
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. My fears are many and I would love to have this book! Thank you - your new blog design is beautiful!
Just joined group on Facebook, Living Fearlessly!
I think my greatest fear is probably having a very serious debilatating illness.
Thank you to everyone who came here and shared one of their fears. On my more recent posts I've been trying to respond to comments and I apologize I didn't do it this time (before the giveaway).
Laura, I totally get sharing something with a total stranger. I've been known to do that more than a time or two.
Becca, I totally understand your fear and have lived it more often than I can recount unfortunately!
Linda, I am so sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law. I pray that as this time of mourning the Lord will be your comfort. (Her MIL passed away this past week)
stampedwithgrace, I have the same fear! I went to and that's what I left a message about!
Barb, even tho I've been married I totally understand what you're saying. I've been separated for 3 yrs and have 4 kids, but still can't imagine my life on my own. Not the same, but I can empathize.
Kyndra, you seem to be echoing the same thing others have said here. I'm so glad you have the Lord to walk with you, but having someone physically by your side is so...different.
Mark, thanks for following Max. He's so insightful!
Doreen, my grandma never had her license and she's just fine. So, don't feel like you have to get one. Not that I'm comparing you to my 91 yr old grandma or anything. ;)
Kathy, thanks for visiting me. It's always hardest for me when people who send me free books to review don't win my giveaways!! I love your minsitry and am so glad to be apart of it!!
Jo, I pray that if it ever comes to you having to take care of your husband that God will give you everything you need.
Deborah, thank you for your encouraging words! Thank you for your comment about my blog design. Crissy really did a great job. IMHO I agree with you that having a debilitating illness would be overwhelming.
Thank you all for visiting my blog and for leaving comments. I wish I had enough copies for everyone. Please check out Max's book. It will really bless you. You can even see more of Fearless at
Blessings, Mimi
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