I am so stoked about this review and giveaway!! You guys have to keep it on the downlow from my girls because they are getting one of these for Christmas. Oh, don't tell me either that they're giving me one of the tees that I ordered for myself!
Baby is getting the first shirt that caught my eye. I don't know how many of you have seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but Baby loves this movie! Our Youth Pastor got a lot of kids hooked on it!
Baby is getting the first shirt that caught my eye. I don't know how many of you have seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, but Baby loves this movie! Our Youth Pastor got a lot of kids hooked on it!

I learned about snorgtees.com from another site doing a similar giveaway. I headed to the website and could hardly contain myself. Their shirts are so funny! Now, let me warn you early on that some of their tees are off color. I say that because I'm a family friendly product review site.

Smoochie is getting the shirt that makes people look goofy and she will love that! It says "YOU LOOK FUNNY DOING THAT WITH YOUR HEAD"
Snorgtees.com literally has a shirt for everyone! As I would click through each line of shirts I would say, "Oh so-and-so would love this shirt!" There were 3-4 tees that fit me and my personality. I kid you not, I'm having to contain myself right now because they're so hysterical!
Snorgtees.com literally has a shirt for everyone! As I would click through each line of shirts I would say, "Oh so-and-so would love this shirt!" There were 3-4 tees that fit me and my personality. I kid you not, I'm having to contain myself right now because they're so hysterical!
I was sent one tee to giveaway and purchased 2 on my own. I was NOT disappointed. Quite honestly, I don't care to order clothing online because there's no way to try the stuff on. Snorgtees describe their sizes very well and I know that I got the perfect sizes for each of us.
The fabric is soft and form fitting. I have issues with t-shirts being too wide around the torso and hate feeling like I have a tent on. I had my boys take pictures of me with my Christmas present on and deleted each one. I thought the tee would change how well I photograph, but alas that was not the case. I'm still not photogenic.

One thing I found very interesting when I spent a couple of days flipping through the shirts trying to find the best one for my 16 yr old. It seemed like there were new tees there every time I refreshed the page. I started thinking I was losing my mind. Ok, that last comment is a given, but it just wasn't helping.
I finally chose my shirt based on the color of the shirt. I liked so many that it was a crap shoot for me. Mine has a unicorn looking at a pegasus and his thought bubble says "Lucky".
I have a challenge for you, browse through their designs and try not to laugh so hard you can't even talk. That happened to me! I called my girl friend and was reading through some of the shirts and got to the one with the Spider Monkey and I was crying so hard from laughing she actually hung up on me because I couldn't collect myself!
I have a feeling I'm going to be dropping a lot of $$ on this website. How much do you like the alligator & crocodile tee? Seriously!!
Enter to Win
Do you want to win a SnorgTee?
The Requirement to enter this giveaway is to head to http://www.snorgtees.com/ then come back here and tell me which shirt made you laugh the hardest or found most amusing.
Giveaway runs through 12/17, 10pm CST.
You must be at least 18 yrs old and a US Resident to enter to win. You MUST leave a valid email address to be contacted if you win. No email = No entry. Void where prohibited
Extra Entries: remember to leave a comment for each extra entry (2 comments for grabbing my button)!
+1 Subscribe to my blog
+1 Follow Snorgteees on Twitter
+2 Follow me or if you already do...remind me
+2 Grab my button and leave a comment letting me know where I can find it
+3 Follow Snorgtees on Facebook
+5 Purchase a Snorgtee leaving me a comment of which one and I will contact you for proof
*I'd like to thank Matt @ SnorgTees for sending me my t-shirt to review. I purchased 2 of my own that I included in this post. These are soley my opinion and are never influenced by receiving the product from the sponsoring company.
Yay for giveaways!
I like the bowling t shirt...'you're going down'
I'm a subscriber :)
I loved the If Life Gives You Lemons... Keep Them. Hey. Free Lemons.
It's definitely the T-shirt for an optimist. : ) I loved, loved, loved it.
Suzanne Eller sent me her email address to add to her comment above:
tseller at daretobelieve dot org
OMGoodness. I now see how twisted my sense of humor is. I laughed so hard at so many of these! My favorite is the chocolate bunnies- My Butt Hurts. Thanks so much for the chance to win!
parodi821 at yahoo dot com
I follow Snorg Tees on twitter (WendiP).
I am a new follower. Thanks again for the chance!
I am a new follower. What a great giveaway. Thanks!
Those shirts are hilarious! I love the Warning: Pandas are bears shirt.
I'm subscribed to your blog =D
I like the Macgyver shirt:) Please enter me. Thanks!!
I am also a blog follower:)
And an email subscriber too!!
Oh, I'm sorry I forgot my e-mail, but thanks for letting me know. I guess I assumed it posted it automatically since I was signed in through my google account.
my e-mail is: oreohmygosh@gmail.com
I also grabbed your button!! #1
i like the impostur where the mouse is looking at the mouse wolfbayou@yahoo.com
i follow wolfbayou@yahoo.com
i follow wolfbayou@yahoo.com
I like the shirt with the guy hitting the home run and the shirt says "Touch Down"
I love the Pi and Rational Tshirt! Very cool! I would give that to my 15 year old daughter who loves binary, pi, etc. We call her our little nerd! All in fun! I'm jealous at how her brain lets her process all of that and she loves it. Very cool shirt!
OK so for the first entry I forgot to leave my address arteachersusan at gmail dot com. I had said my fav shirt is the Pi and Rational for my daughter! Thanks.
I am subscribed to your blog susieqtpie arteachersusan at gmail dot com
I'm following Snorgtees on Twitter susieqtpies arteachersusan at gmail dot com
Yes I'm following you on twitter susieqtpies thanks arteachersusan at gmail dot com
Yes I'm following you on twitter susieqtpies thanks arteachersusan at gmail dot com
Your button is on my blog http://cafescrapper-scrapsoflife.blogspot.com it is at the bottom of page under Fav blogs and giveaways arteachersusan at gmail dot com
I'm following Snorgtees on FB! Susan Buetow arteachersusan at gmail dot com
I'm following Snorgtees on FB! Susan Buetow arteachersusan at gmail dot com
I'm following Snorgtees on FB! Susan Buetow arteachersusan at gmail dot com
I love Geology Rocks! as I am in the geo field
I love the "Why are you waving, run!!" tshirt!
Email address is radeeolover at yahoo dot com.
I follow SnorgTees on Facebook!
email address is cziegler@theziegler.com
Christine Ziegler
I just subscribed to your blog!!!
email address cziegler@theziegler.com
Christine Ziegler
Shirt that made me literally laugh out loud the most was the Necessity is the Mother of Invention, MacGyver is the Father... OMG too funny!
email address is cziegler@theziegler.com
Christine Ziegler
I Love the Rock 'n' Roll All Night~Too Funny :-)
I subscribe too!
I Follow Snorgtees on Facebook
Deb S
I Follow Snorgtees on Facebook
Deb S
I Follow Snorgtees on Facebook
Deb S
I really love the "It's OK Pluto, I'm Not A Planet Either" T shirt, way too funny and way too cute! Thanks so much for the great giveaway!
Following Snorg Tees on Twitter (furygirl3132)
Following your blog (furygirl3132)
Following your blog (furygirl3132)
Following Snorg Tees on Facebook (Eloise Carlson)
Following Snorg Tees on Facebook (Eloise Carlson)
Following Snorg Tees on Facebook (Eloise Carlson)
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