Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Wrap-N-Mat Review & GIVEAWAY

On my quest to find more eco-friendly & family friendly products I came across Wrap-N-Mat. I want to do away with the enormous amount of baggies we use every year. I never reuse them and they just go into the landfills where they sit for an extremely long time.

My 10 yr old son is the only one who takes a sandwich or bagel to school for lunch. My 6 yr old always, and I mean always, takes yogurt. So, I had to wait until Buddy had a lunch bag day. It didn't take long. My boys are only so-so fans of school lunches.

I made Buddy his regular cinnamon bagel as his main course. They're pretty tall compared to a sandwich so I thought it'd be interesting to see if the velcro would be long enough to seal the Wrap. Ta-da...success! The next hurdle was how he'd react to taking something other than a baggie. You know how kids love to stand out in Middle School, or not. When he came home I kind of, throughout the after school conversation asked him how well his Wrap did. I didn't come out and ask him how he felt about having the Wrap compared to a baggie. He said he liked it and that it stayed cold.

I was so thankful. You never know how a 10 yr old is going to act in social situations. I've sent it with him about 4 times in the last couple weeks and I'm happy to say it's made it home in good condition. The velcro is strong enough to stay shut through all the lunch box jostling. Being a boy, Buddy uses it as a weapon. :) He liked the Shark design as well. Very boy! It's super easy to wipe off and lay out for the next day's use.

Here's a bit of info about the Wrap-N-Mats:

  • WRAP-N-MAT® Wraps are the only RE-USABLE sandwich wrap and placemat in one.

  • Easy to clean, just hand wash and air dry.

  • Original sized wraps are approx. 13" x 13"

  • Grande' sized wraps are approx. 14" x 17"

  • Due to the lining, our WRAP-N-MAT® Wraps are NOT intended for hot foods, to be heated or to be microwaved. As with any plastic, placing hot food upon the lining will make it melt.

  • Phthalate free

  • BPA free

  • The material is manufactured to meet all FDA's guidelines to be in contact with food

  • Lead free
*I'd like to thank Bonnie from Wrap-A-Mat for sending us our review product. We love it and it's a success at our home! How would you like to have a go at them? Bonnie has sent me the Wrap-N-Mat Wrap and Snack Pouch to share with my commenters!

Enter to win

Required Entry: Head to Wrap-N-Mat and tell me which design is your favorite.

Must be at least 18 yrs old to enter and a US Resident. There must be a way to contact you either with email or in your contact profile. No email/contact = No entry. Giveaway ends 2/8, 10pm CST.

Extra Entries:

1) Follow my blog (2 entries, comment 2x)

2) Grab my button and let me know where to find it (1 entry)

3) Follow my Networked Blogs (2 entries, comment 2x)

4) Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)

5) Make a purchase from Wrap-N-Mat (5 entries, comment 5 times)
~Winner has 48 hours to respond to email contact or I will choose another winner.


diane said... 1


Kristin said... 2

I like the china red/white gingham.

Niurka said... 3

I like the eco print. tainalatina1980@yahoo.com

Niurka said... 4



Libby's Library said... 5

China Red/White Gingham

Thanks for the giveaway.


Barbara's Beat said... 6

Solid Purple

Barbara's Beat said... 7

Follow blog

Barbara's Beat said... 8

Grab button- on my sidebar

Barbara's Beat said... 9

Follow my Networked Blogs 1

Barbara's Beat said... 10

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Shelley said... 11

Love the red & white gingham! Would match my kitchen :)

mdlangmead at gmail dot com

Shelley said... 12

Follow your blog - 1

Shelley said... 13

Follow your blog - 2

Shelley said... 14

Follow on Twitter! @lovebnamommy

Barbara's Beat said... 15

Follow on Twitter

Tim, Allyson, and kids said... 16

I like the frogs Made in the USA wrap.

Tim, Allyson, and kids said... 17

follow on twitter @heart4home

Unknown said... 18

I think my favorite is the ecoprint.

Laura said... 19

I really like the china lime green wrap!


Laura said... 20

I'm a follower 1


Laura said... 21

I'm an follower 2


Laura said... 22

I follow on twitter!


lizzyray said... 23

I love the camo wrap!

Anonymous said... 24

i like the red/white gingham look...


Truth Be Told Blog said... 25

I love the fish and bubbles.

dorkyval44 at gmail dot com

Truth Be Told Blog said... 26

I follow you on twitter

dorkyval44 at gmail dot com

AudreyO said... 27

Neon Flowers Pouch

These are neat, my daughter has some reusables and we love them.

Julie said... 28

the red and white gingham is my pick


Julie said... 29

# 1 follow blog


Jennifer H said... 30

I like the Knexx Wrap design. Jenprincess88 at aol dot com

Jennifer H said... 31

#2 Google follower-Jenprincess88 at aol dot com

Ree said... 32

We would LOVE to try this! :)
Following you #1

Ree said... 33

Great idea! :)
Following you#2

Ree said... 34

following you on twitter...

Ree said... 35

I love the red and white gingham wrap! I think it would be great to send my hubby's lunch in!


Ree said... 36

following you on networked blogs... #1

Ree said... 37

Following you on networked blogs #2!

Ang said... 38

All the designs are wonderful but my favorite is the Smiley Faces on Black Wrap.


Ang said... 39

Following with Networked Blogs #1


Ang said... 40

Following with NetWorked Blogs #2


Ang said... 41

I follow on Twitter



Trina said... 42

I like the Aviator Aircraft wrap.

Kerrie said... 43

My favorite design is Dino with bones

Kerrie said... 44

I follow your blog
comment 1

Kerrie said... 45

I follow your blog
comment 2

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.