Okay, now I realize that some people aren't thrilled with receiving Blog Awards so I want to start off by stating, I'm ok with you NOT participating after you receive the award. Bwahahaha, you can't stop me from acknowledging your awesomeness!! There are 3 blog awards listed below and I'll be contacting each of you that I've nominated. If you choose not to pass the award along, that's fine with me. Blog Awards can be a bit like Forwarded emails. Some people like them, others don't. Honestly, I'm a Forward deleter!
Anyhow, enough of my rambling and on with the Award Ceremony!!
I'd like to thank Lori at Some of My Favorite Things for giving me a blog award (last month which I forgot about)
A Prolific Blogger is one who is intellectually productive… keeping up an active blog that is filled with enjoyable content.
1. Every winner of the Prolific Blogger Award has to pass on this award to at least seven other deserving prolific bloggers. Spread some love!
2. Each Prolific Blogger must link to the blog from which he/she has received the award.
3. Every Prolific Blogger must link back to this post, which explains the origins and motivation for the award.
4. Every Prolific Blogger must visit this post and add his/her name in the Mr. Linky, so that we all can get to know the other winners. (Click here for the Mr. Linky page.)
My List includes:
- Lynn's Midday Escapades
- Melissa's Outnumbered 3 to 1
I'd also like to thank Heather at I'd Rather Be Changing Diapers for the Beautiful Blogger Award. Today I received this award from Surviving Little People! Here are the rules:
Thank & link to the person that gave you the award.
Pass this award onto 15 bloggers you’ve recently discovered and think are fantastic.
Contact said Blogs and let them know they’ve won
State 7 things about yourself:
1. I have ADD
2. Historical Fiction is my favorite Christian genre
3. I drive a minivan & wish it would turn into Bumblebee from Transformers
4. Living on a working ranch is a dream I'd love to see fulfilled
5. I moved 3 times in one year when I was in 8th grade
6. My oldest kids are girls and my youngest kids are boys
7. I want to be on the Amazing Race
Here are the 15 newest sites I will pass this on to:
- LivingforGod Born Again And Blessed
- Haelie's To Not Decide Is To Decide
- Jackie's Fresh Oil Today
- Godsy Girl's Godsy Girl
- Lucie's Lucie's Blog
- Andrea's Ponderings By Andrea
- Stacie's Simply Stacie
- Christie's My Wish For You
- Linda's New York City Single Mom
- Jessica's So Stylized (she's creating the new design for my upcoming Marvelous Mom Reviews)
- Christy's Southern Sassy Things
- Tessa's Christ is Write
- Ree's Be Blessed
- Courtney's Women Living Well
- Nathan (yes a GUY) Think For A Minute

Casey from Writing for Christ and Lori from Some of My Favorite Books just gave me a new award: Bliss Happy 101 Blog Award! How awesome! So... I have to name 10 things I love and then pass it on to 10 other blogs. Okay here we go...
- God, although I don't always keep him as #1
- My kids (I know, cliche)
- My pets, gotta include the furry ones
- Mi familia
- The smell outside after it rains
- Thick, green grass, especially after it's been mowed
- Cars & computers w/out issues
- Riding a horse (my Winston)
- Gardening...please let it be a good year
- My church family...couldn't live this life w/out them
And here are ten blogs that I love...
- Audra's Anonymously Uncensored
- Jane's Winning Readings
- Renee's Black 'N Gold Girls Bookspot
- Deborah Comfort Joy Designs
- Alisa's Faith Imagined
- Richele's Under the Golden Apple Tree
- Carly's Carlybird's Home
- Cathy's Word Vessel
Hahaha wow! I got this award 3 times in a week! I feel priviliged! Thank you so much! If you don't mind I'll acknowledge that you gave me this award on the post I did earlier in the week! :-)
XOXO~ Renee
I think it's really lovely how you give these awards out. Great sharing.
Thank you so much!! This is my first blog award ever!!! And its so pretty :-)
You're awesome!
LucieInCA at aol dot com
Thanks so much Mimi! I really appreciate it. I have to admit I am terrible at passing them along...bad blogger...bad.. but I do appreciate being thought of. I will have to get an award post up soon.
Hi Mimi!
Thanks so much for the "sweet" blog award!
Prayers & hugs,
Aww thanks for thinking of me! Thats quite the post! Congrats on all your awards! I have to say many of your fav's are mine too!
I movved three times in the 6th grade ;)
Thanks so much for the award!! You're so sweet :) I love that you put no strings attached, it's the best award I've ever gotten!
Thanks so much for making our day!
(Jane at Winning Readings)
That is such a cute award - thank You so much for thinking of me!!!
And, quite an informative post - I think you have hereby kicked all those other blogger awards' butts lady! such a great read!
I'm going to visit some of the blogs you mentioned that I don't think I've been to. Thank You!!!
Tammi @ My Organized Chaos
congrats on your awards! and thanks so much for sharing one with me! Prolific Blogger, I LOVE that! (your name makes me smile, my niece used to call me Mimi when she was a baby!) :)
Ascending Butterfly
Thanks so much, Mimi! You're too kind :). I enjoyed getting to know you better from reading the things you listed about yourself and about things you love.
Thanks for thinking of my blog!! You are wonderful!!!
Wow! You must've really spent some time with this *wink* It's so hard to pick winners, isn't it?
Anyway, your blog is always so great, Mimi! You definitely deserve every single one of these awards.
Keep up the great work, girl!
Hi Mimi -
Congratulations on your many well-deserved awards.
Thank you for thinking of me. :)
Thank you for the generous award!! You have an adorable site here - keep up the great work!
Congrats on the awards!
Congratulations on your awards! Thank you for the comment and follow. Have a great day!
Thanks so much! I'm working on my post right now!
Thanks! This came while I was unable to open blogs, so it's a joy to see it now.
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