Welcome to Faith 'n Fiction Saturday where we discuss the intersection of faith and fiction. You are welcome to join in by posting on your blog or replying in comments.

This week I shared some concerns over the latest trend in covers in Christian fiction. (and some other things) Today I want to hear your feelings about the covers on Christian fiction books.
You can take any direction you want with this. You can share what you feel about covers in general and then point out some good examples and bad examples or you can design your own cover...whatever you want to do. The truth is that whether we like it or not, people do judge books by their covers!
My Opinion On Covers
hahaha I love it when I get to share my opinions. I have so many of them! *grin*
I did post a reply to Amy's original post the latest in trend covers and you are more than welcome to check out the numerous responses to that statement. But I will share more here.
First of all, I didn't realize this was a trend. It's one I'm highly disappointed in. Some of the books that are getting remakes have only been published in the last couple of years! A couple of astonishing examples of this awful trend are with authors Rachel Hauck & Golden Keyes Parson

↑Strong & intriguing vs cheesy and bland Doesn't the left one stand apart?!

↑Unique & artistic vs Done before Who are they trying to reach?
↑Creative & uses the heart again vs Been there done that This cover is just boring!
None of these new covers in my opinion are thought provoking! They don't compel me to want to read what's on the inside. Is it just me? The original covers are artistic and unique. I think Golden's is simply beautiful. The new cover honestly cheapens what I expect to be inside.
I love it when a cover conveys on the outside what's on the inside. If a cover is lame, then "hello" I'm not going to get the book. If I feel like the publisher has chosen "that" for my first impression, then the story inside is going to be just as bad. We all know about first impressions. Our first introduction to a book or an author is the cover of their book. In an instant I could be forever turned away from a book. What a shame when it all could've been completely different!
Now, I don't mind at all when covers have photos of women, but some of these new ones make these women look ridiculous. I'm not sure of the audience the publishers are trying to reach, but it won't be me. Do they think the 20-something women of today are willing to purchase lame looking covers, because it seems that's who they are marketing to. Those of us who are slightly older are going to totally pass these up based on the ditzy looking girl on the covers.
Now, I don't mind at all when covers have photos of women, but some of these new ones make these women look ridiculous. I'm not sure of the audience the publishers are trying to reach, but it won't be me. Do they think the 20-something women of today are willing to purchase lame looking covers, because it seems that's who they are marketing to. Those of us who are slightly older are going to totally pass these up based on the ditzy looking girl on the covers.
Here's a slide show of some covers I like with women on them. There's a strength in each cover that made me know somehow that I would like the book. I haven't read Sharlene's 3rd book yet, but loved her first 2 and her cover is similar to the other 2.
These examples are from Thomas Nelson Publishing, but they are only an example of what is out in the Christian marketplace. I'm not trying to slam TNP specifically. They do have covers that I like:

What are your thoughts? Do you judge a book by it's cover? Do you care when a book is repackaged?
And let me state for the record, I know the covers aren't indicative of what the authors have labored to put into print!!
*UPDATE Rachel Hauck & I facebooked back and forth a few times regarding my post. She pointed out that her publisher is trying to revitalize her book! Who am I to get in the way of that? Right? She did say she would let me, how did she say it? oh yah, "You can have your temper tantr...er, opinion." hahahaha I dig Rachel!
Very interesting. I often picks library books based on their covers. I get & read between 5-8 books per week.
In all 3 instances you showed, I would have picked the first one & brought it home, but not really looked twice at the second one.
It almost looke like they are going from "Chick Lit" type covers to more of a "Harlequin Romance" type of cover. I would have predicted the exact opposite.
I do jusdge a book by its cover initially but then go to blurb. I have to say I highly recomend the Neta Jackson Yada YAda series they are AMAZING
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