Tuesday, March 23, 2010

i heart faces "Focusing On Angles"

This will be my first time entering a challenge at iheartfaces! If you haven't been to their site, you are truly missing out!

This past winter, I had a bad mom moment (I know, no surprise). This time it affected my little one in a negative way physically. The boys had been outside playing when I thought they were playing inside at the neighbors house. As soon as Doodle came in, I panicked! His cheeks were so frost bitten. I wanted to make sure I took pictures in case I needed to show them to a doctor. They were raised, mostly red except right underneath the eyes which was like a dark color, and then there was kind of a white ring around it. My poor little Doodle!

I felt so terrible after this happened. Of course, he was having so much fun outside playing he didn't feel his cheeks hurting. And what 6 yr old stops and thinks to himself, "I wonder if I've been outside in the elements too long. Maybe frost bite is setting in on my cheeks!" I'm happy to report that his cheeks are fine and there is no permanent damage.

*As a side note: My 16 yr old has my camera ~ translation, I don't have it around when I want to take photos. Then, this was my first time entering a challenge and the "idea" we had yesterday didn't fit the requirements. We were taking pictures of my dog. Hmmm what part of iheartfaces am I missing? Maybe the FACE of a human? hahahaha So, I got home late from work, had dinner, helped Buddy with his AWANA Grand Prix car. All of sudden, I remember I want to enter this challenge. I ran to the computer and started searching through tons of pictures. This one has NO editing. I'm sure I could've done something with it, but I was under the gun and got it in with only minutes to spare. Next time I tell ya, next time! :)


  1. Darling photo of your little one. Love those lashes~and glad his cheeks warmed up nicely!

  2. Oh, don't we all have those moments. I love your honesty. Whatever the reason, it turned out to be a gorgeous photo!!


  3. Awww...he's so sweet! I'm glad everything turned out ok with your little one!

    Thanks for the sweet comments on my entry. :)


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