Friday, March 19, 2010

Start Here by Alex and Brett Harris & GIVEAWAY

by Alex & Brett Harris
ISBN: 978-1-60142-270-5
Publisher: Waterbrook/Multnomah

At the age of eighteen, Alex and Brett Harris wrote Do Hard Things—and launched a movement that would change a generation. Young people around the world were ready to be inspired, ready to move beyond complacency, ready to rebel against society’s low expectations.

Now the highly anticipated companion book, Start Here, answers the questions Alex and Brett have received from thousands of teens on their worldwide conference tour and popular online community: How do I get started? What hard things does God want me to do? How do I keep from getting discouraged or burned out? What is the best way to inspire others?

Filled with stories and insights from Alex, Brett, and other real-life rebelutionaries, Start Here is a powerful and practical guide for young people who are ready to take the next step and blast past apathy. Let the rebelution continue.

My Daughter's Review:

This book is such an inspiration, and it is helping me to work through the ideas that I had after reading Do Hard Things. I have been really torn recently between things that I have to do, things that I want to do, and things that I feel God is calling me to do. While they are all good things, I don't have time for all of it. A sentence that really stuck out to me was "We need to keep asking good questions about our time, our priorities, and our goals, and always remembering that God does not give us conflicting obligations." That last part in italics struck was like God threw the words at me. My anxiety over not having enough time to do things and not knowing which way to go has been useless. I need to be trusting God that He will show me where He wants me to go.

The thing that I really love about the books from Alex and Brett Harris is that they are so easy to connect with, and there is so much wisdom in their words! There are always things that I can take from their books, and I can read this book multiple times without getting bored! I also respect the Harris brothers because although they are very well known to Christian teens, they still focus on striving for God and staying humble. The quotes from teens who have written to them and stories of other teens are very exciting things to read! It is amazing to see how other teens around the globe are passionate for glorifying God! This book is a huge encouragement to me as I am looking to "do hard things" for the Lord!

I'd like to thank my Smoochie for doing this review! I got the book because she had loved Do Hard Things! I think she did a great job and I'd like to thank her for taking the time to read Start Here and for reviewing it!

Author Bio:

Alex and Brett Harris are the coauthors of the best-selling book Do Hard Things, which they wrote at age eighteen. Today the twins speak regularly to audiences of thousands on The Rebelution Tour, maintain a hugely popular online presence through their blog,, and have been featured on CNN, MSNBC, NPR, and in the New York Times. Raised in Portland, Oregon, the brothers currently attend Patrick Henry College in Virginia.

Win This Book

Would you like to win this book? Tell me if you are involved in with youth or if your kids go to a youth program. Giveaway will end 4/2 (My Smooch's 17th bday), 10pm CDT. Smooch will be choosing the winner! Must be 18 yrs old to enter and a US resident. Must leave an email or have contact info available in your profile. No email/contact = No entry. Void where prohibited.

This book was provided for review by the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group. Start Here can be purchased at Random House.

Here's an excerpt from Start Here:


  1. as pastor's wife and mom of two teens, I'm involved with youth and would love to win this book. Thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  2. As a Mom to two teens and a parent helper with our churches youth group I would love this book. I also help with our Sunday School program- kids of all ages- high schoolers, included! Looks like a good book for everyone to benefit from.


  3. I have been wanting to read Do Hard Things - it's on my reading list. This one looks great for my middle school aged girls! One of my girls goes to a church group just for young girls. I have helped in the pre-teen sunday school class. We often feel the struggle to prioritize our time. Your review has me wanting to read this book even more - for myself! I want to be a good example of following God's leading for my kids.

    Thanks for the giveaway.


  4. The youth in my Sunday School class could certainly benefit from this book. I loved the quote your daughter shared!

  5. oops forgot to leave my email address:

  6. Smooch's review was spectacular. It made me definitely want to get it for my daughter who is 12. I actually had heard about "Do Hard Things" from a friend of mine who was reading it when we went on a women's retreat. I hadn't gotten around to getting it for my daughter, but reading this review has reminded me about it and now I'll have to get it for her. I would love to win "Start Here".


  7. I am not involved in my church's youth group at the present time. However, I do help out with my daughter's Girl Scout Troop. My kids (ages 15 & 6 have both been involved with the childrens ministry and youth groups since they were babies.

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net


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