Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Wordless Wednesday ~ More Music

Buddy received a guitar from his Uncle yesterday! Next come lessons. We're pretty excited!! It's a Washburn that we purchased from Musicians Friend. Our worship leader helped us find it!
Check out some more Wordless Wednesdays at: 5 Minutes for Mom, Look What Mom Found and Dad Too, J. Leigh Designz, and Outnumbered 3 to 1.


  1. I'm so jealous! I'd love to play an instrument. Instead I just resign myself to Rockband.

  2. Musician Friend is where my husband gets all his things from. He has tried teaching our daughter but shes not interested right now. Happy WW

  3. I'm partial to the acoustic guitars. What an incredible gift. Awesome!

  4. He looks like a natural! Great photo, I love it! :)

    Happy WW!

  5. Great Photo! I love your blog its too cute!! Thanks for sharing! Happy Easter

  6. Oh, how fantastic. I think it is much easier to learn when you are younger. For us, music is such a part of the everyday and integral for worship.

    He looks quite natural holding it, doesn't he?

  7. Lovely photo. And oh how I love music.

    This is a wonderful gift!


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