Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Glasses USA Review and GIVEAWAY

With age I know comes the possible deterioration of eye sight. I know in our Moms In Touch group that I've been involved with the past 10+ yrs moms come year after year and it seems every year there's a new one with glasses. I recently received a pair of eyeglasses from Glasses USA.

When I spoke to Hillary intially, I was concerned that I might need to have prescription glasses to particpate in a review, but thankfully that wasn't the case. I don't really need glasses unless my eyes are tired, at least at this point. Since I typically read at night, my eyes have a tendency to be tired. So, the glasses I was sent were exactly what I needed!

So I headed to Glasses USA to check out their selection of glasses and find a pair that might suit me. I played it safe and got a pair that look similar to the ones I already have. I know, I know, I need to stop playing it safe. I need to break out of my mold and go for something funky & fun.
Ordering glasses online should be a simple and easy procedure. That is what you will find at Glasses USA. They have an amazing array of glasses to choose from:

  • Designer Frames

  • Classic Frames

  • Retro Frames

  • Fashion Frames

  • Dior

  • Polo

  • RayBan

Those are just a sampling of their options. They have some really nice sunglasses, too!
If you'd like to make a purchase, you can visit Glasses USA and use the neverending 5% off code Mommy5 on your final order. One of their awesome functions at Glasses USA is to see how the glasses will look on you. You can upload a photo of yourself, use your webcam, or use one of their stock photos and then click through their selection to see how they'll look on you!! Isn't that an awesome feature? I love it. I also love that the glasses come with a heavy duty glasses case and cloth. They have been wonderful to wear. The Lyncoln are a lightweight frame and fit me to a "T"!

Here's a bit more that I thought you should know about Glasses USA:

"There are a few things you should know about GlassesUSA. We’re not just out to make money – we actually care about society! All of our returned eyeglasses are not restocked as they are with most optical stores. Ours are "recycled"! What does that mean? Well, we believe that everyone should have access to vision care. So, we donate all of our returned eyeglasses to various organizations around the US who then sanitize and redistribute the eyeglasses with the correct prescription to people all over the world who can’t afford vision care! Seeing properly shouldn’t be a luxury – it should be a necessity. We do our best to help our customers and we take their vision needs very seriously. We are an international company with two offices: one in New Jersey (our headquarters) and one in Israel. Our eyeglasses are produced at both facilities in order to provide our customers with top quality lenses in the
hottest frames available!"

Required: There's no time like the present to get a new pair of glasses. To be entered to win
one free pair of single-vision prescription glasses LIKE their Facebook page. Leave a comment saying, "Checking in from the giveaway at Woven by Words".

Giveaway is open US resident 18 yrs or older. Please leave me your email/contact info in your entry. No email/contact = No Entry! Giveaway will end 4/27 at 10pm CDT. You will have 48 hours to respond to winning email or I will draw a new winner.

Extra Entries:

Follow my new giveaway site Marvelous Mom Reviews (2 entries, comment 2x)

Subscribe to Marvelous Mom Reviews (3 entries, comment 3x)

Visit GlassesUSA & come back here and let me me know which pair of glasses you'd like to win because this will be the group you choose from!! (1 entry)

Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)

Follow GlassesUSA on Twitter (1 entry)

Tweet this giveaway (1 entry per day) "RT Win a pair of Rx glasses from Glasses USA @glassesusa from Woven by Words #giveaway http://bit.ly/9YveO8 "

Follow Woven by Words (1 entry)

Enter any other giveaway through the end of this giveaway (1 entry per giveaway)

I'd like to thank Hillary from Glasses USA for contacting me and asking me to review their glasses.


  1. I posted on thier facebook page. LIke it!

    angelahipp (at) charter (dot) net

  2. I'm a follower on Marvelous Mom Reviews

    angelahipp (at) charter (dot) net


  3. I'm a follower on Marvelous Mom Reviews

    angelahipp (at) charter (dot) net


  4. I am a Woven by Words follower!

    angelahipp (at) charter (dot) net

  5. I'm now a Facebook fan of Glasses USA and I wrote on their wall.

    bookcat1010 at gmail dot com

    (rose manning)

  6. Following MMR on Google Connect (rose red)

    bookcat1010 at gmail dot com


  7. Following MMR on Google Connect (rose red)

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  9. Subscriber to MMR on Google Reader

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  10. Subscriber to MMR on Google Reader

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  11. I know which pair I'd love to win. Absolutely the Harry (as in Potter). I had a pair of totally round frames years ago and loved them. I'm a bit of a nerd.

    bookcat1010 at gmail dot com

  12. Following WBW Tweets (@hopscotchlime)

    bookcat1010 at gmail dot com

  13. Following Glasses USA's Tweets (@hopscotchlime)

    bookcat1010 at gmail dot com

  14. Follow WBW on Google Connect (rose red)

    bookcat1010 at gmail dot com

  15. Entered your CSN giveaway.

    bookcat1010 at gmail dot com

  16. Like the FB page and commented!!

    petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

  17. follow marvelous mom reviews 2

    petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

  18. follow marvelous mom reviews

    petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

  19. subscribe to marvelous mom reviews 3

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  20. subscribe to marvelous mom reviews 2

    petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

  21. subscribe to marvelous mom reviews 1

    petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

  22. follow you on twitter - lbandj

    petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

  23. I like the mickey glasses

    petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

  24. I like the mickey glasses!

    petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

  25. tweeted!


  26. follow glassesusa on twitter

    petrellinyc-slinky at yahoo dot com

  27. Liked on fb

  28. posted comment on facebook
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

  29. 2 Follow my new giveaway site Marvelous Mom Reviews
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

  30. 1 Follow my new giveaway site Marvelous Mom Reviews
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

  31. I would pick the Daniel Frames
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

  32. I can't see where you sign up to subscribe to Marvelous Mom Reviews
    copperllama at yahoo dot com

  33. "Liked" Glasses USA & commented on their page - Lesley Peck


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  37. Tweet http://twitter.com/lesleypeck/status/12818451436


  38. Following Marvelous Mom Reviews - comment #2


  39. I like the Clementina - http://www.glassesusa.com/full-frames-clementina-blue-eyeglasses.html


  40. I entered teh Shiny Little Blessing Faith necklace giveaway

    angleahipp (at) charter (dot) net

  41. I subscribed to MMR - 3

    angleahipp (at) charter (dot) net

  42. I subscribed to MMR - 1

    angleahipp (at) charter (dot) net

  43. I subscribed to MMR - 1

    angleahipp (at) charter (dot) net

  44. I posted on the FB page!

    deborahcraft at yahoo dot com

  45. I follow on twitter

    deborahcraft at yahoo dot com
