Friday, June 25, 2010

Feel Good Friday ~ Smooch Is Heading To Training Camp

Laura at the girl next door grows up hosts the weekly Feel Good Friday. You are given 5 prompts to use each week. This week I've got lots to smile about! My oldest son, Buddy, turned 11. But the most exciting thing is about my girl.

So my 2nd daughter, Smooch (17, in the black shirt), is heading to Training Camp in S. IL this afternoon.

Training Camp for what you may ask?

Smooch is heading to India this July with Royal Servants, part of Reign Ministries. She will be gone July 5-31.
Training Camp is basically a boot camp for anyone going on a mission trip this summer with Royal Servants. From what I've heard, it's super intense, but amazing. Smooch enjoys taking daily showers. Well, she better enjoy stinking because their hygiene is tossed out the window for the week.

It's all good and very enriching. They will learn about the skits they will do, how to share the Gospel, etc. It really is a camp in every sense of the word! They stay in tents and use porta-potties, and get nice and nasty! Ah, the great outdoors!

When she is in India, they will be working with orphanages and schools. This will be so good for Smooch and the rest of the team. Royal Servants hasn't been to India in 10 yrs!

I'm excited and scared all at the same time.

I know that this is where God wants her to be. It's just not easy as a mom. I've seen the Lord provide through friends & family the over $4000 to take this trip. Those funds were raised in about 4 months. I figured with this recession, there'd be no way. But, He provided and she's going. Even tonight as she was getting packed, a gal down the road that Smooch has babysat for brought her money for the trip! Isn't that spectacular?

Over 4th of July weekend, Baby and I will be heading down to S. IL for Family Day. We'll get to see her one more time before she leaves. We're hoping Smooch's BFF will be going with us, but with work one never knows.

If you are so inclined, I would be more than happy to have you praying for her while she is at training camp and in India. My prayer will be that Smooch comes home with a heart that is healed and ready to be loved.

God's will be done!


  1. Wow Mimi, what an incredible and amazing experience she is going to have!!! She should blog about it ;-)

    I will pray for her and for YOU!!! I know I would worry every day.

    I also hope no storms hit your town today. Boo to the storms :-(

  2. What a great experience, my oldest daughter, Katy went to Sicily a few years ago on a mission trip with our church and it changed her so much, she really learned what it meant to help others who had so little and she had a lot of fun too, and some memories she will never forget.

    Can't wait to hear about your daughter's adventure when she returns!!!


  3. That is so exciting! India! She is going to have the experience of a lifetime.

  4. Wow this is an amazing opportunity!! I will send prayers for all involved. I hope that someday my daughter can be involved in a missions trip. I always want to but was never allowed. I think it would have done me a lot of good!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday and leaving me some love. It was an awesome feature blog wasn't it? ;)

  5. Wow, how awesome! I look forward to hearing about her adventures & please know that you are all in my prayers.

  6. Bravo to Smooch! As a fellow Christian, I am SO excited when I hear of teens going on outreaches to other countries...or states...or cities for that matter. This will be an experience that will touch so many lives and give Smooch memories that will be priceless.

    I will keep her in my cousin went to India when he was in his teens too...and wouldn't trade the experience for the world!



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