Monday, June 7, 2010

Horizon Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk Review & GIVEAWAY ~ 2 Winners!

logo To say that my family loves milk would be an understatement. If we were to pioneer a group for addicts, it would be for milkaholics. No joke. We adore milk. We treat ourselves to chocolate milk only occasionally.

Typically, when we have chocolate milk, it fills us up so we’re not really even hungry. To be quite honest, that’s always frustrated me.

Carton I was somewhat skeptical of the Horizon milk, having never tried the brand before. Like a little kid, my thoughts were, if it’s organic it’s gonna taste yucky. I know, real mature. I’m picky about very little, but milk has got to have the right flavor, consistency, and biting coldness to be delicious!

I scoured the milk aisles at every grocery store I went to. I finally used the Horizon Store Locator for the one closest to me. Hmmm, an hour trip? Not gonna happen. So, I sat on my coupons. What to do?

Well, last week I’m at one of the grocery stores that I had looked at, but don’t frequent much. Who knows what I was looking for. When what do my wandering eyes spy? A carton of Horizon Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk with DHA Omega-3. What are you kidding me?

It wasn’t in their milk section, the dairy section, where they have other Horizon milks!!! No, they put it in the…organic section. Go figure. This store didn’t show up on the Horizon site either, so that put a bit of a glitch in the search.

IMG_2619 So, we get home and opened that baby up! It’s review time milkaholics, lets drink up! I was surprised at how tasty it was. I really thought, and who knows why, that it was going to be gritty. LOL It was smooth as, well, milk. There was no heaviness like I’m used to with drinking “regular” chocolate milk. I wasn’t full after I finished my FULL glass of milk.

Here are some facts about Organic Lowfat Chocolate Milk with DHA Omega-3:

Mmm chocolate! Horizon Organic lowfat Chocolate Milk with DHA Omega-3 provides a great tasting and easy way to add calcium and DHA to your family’s diet. DHA Omega-3 is an important nutrient that helps support heart, brain and eye health, and it’s available in lowfat half gallons.

DHA belongs to a category of healthy fatty acids known as Omega-3's. Found in high concentrations in the tissues of the brain and eye, DHA Omega-3 is thought to help support healthy function in these areas. DHA has also been shown to help support heart health.
• DHA provides a nutritional boost for children's growing minds and bodies. Children's brains grow incredibly fast. In fact, the brain nearly quadruples in the first five years of life.
• DHA is a key structural component of the brain, yet many young children don't get their recommended daily amount of DHA as it is found in a limited number of food sources.
Horizon Organic Milk Plus DHA Omega-3 is fortified with a natural, 100 percent vegetarian and sustainable source of DHA - a safe, wholesome, delicious way to bring more of this important nutrient into your family's diet.
Visit to learn more!

Flavored Milk is a Nutrient-Rich Beverage
· Flavored milk provides the same nine essential nutrients as unflavored milk (calcium, potassium, phosphorous, protein, vitamins A, D, B12, Riboflavin and niacin), and can help kids meet their calcium requirements.
· Flavored milk consumers did not have higher total fat or calorie intakes than non milk consumers
Kids Love the Taste of Flavored Milk
· According to 2005 USDA data, 66% of the milk chosen by children in schools is flavored

Chocolate Milk is an Effective Post-Exercise Recovery Beverage
· A 2006 study showed that low fat milk was as effective at post-exercise rehydration as sports drinks
· Because of the natural carb:pro ratio in flavored milks, low fat chocolate milk is an effective post-exercise recovery beverage.
o The appropriate carb:pro ratio for improving endurance performance is about 4:1 However, effective ranges can vary from 2:1 and up to 5:1.
· Consuming carbohydrate and protein post workout has been shown to:
o Enhance muscle glycogen formation
o Promote a hormonal environment that encourages muscle growth
o Promote muscle protein production
o May lessen immune-suppressive effects due of intense exercise

This is going to be a QUICK giveaway. At least quicker than most. REMEMBER this: the coupons expire at the END of JUNE!

Here’s what you win: Two winners get 4 total coupons (2 coupons would be for a free half gallon of the Horizon Organic lowfat Chocolate Milk with DHA Omega-3 and 2 coupons for $1 off a half gallon of the same milk)

REQUIRED: Visit Horizon and tell me what other product appeals to your family.

Giveaway open to US Residents 18 yrs and older. Must include email or have it available in your profile in your first post. No email/contact = No entry. Giveaway ends 6/14, 10pm CDT. Winner has 48 hours to respond.

Extra Entries:

Follow Marvelous Mom Reviews (1 entry)

Subscribe to MMR (2 entries, comment 2x)

Add my button to your site (2 entries, comment 2x)

Add MMR to your blog roll ( 2 entries, comment 2x)

Follow me on Twitter (1 entry)

Tweet this giveaway (1 entry daily) “2 Winners Horizon Chocolate Milk Plus DHA Omega-3 #giveaway

Like” Horizon on Facebook and tell them, “I’m trying to win Chocolate milk at Woven by Words” (2 entries, comment 2x)

Sign up to get Horizon Coupons: This will have to be on the honesty method (1 entry)

Tell me something new you learned on their site (look under educational for example) (2 entries, comment 2x)

I’d like to thank Horizon for providing me with 2 coupons for Free 1/2 gallons of chocolate milk for review. The opinions expressed are mine and may not reflect the experience of others.


  1. I would really like to try their yogurt as well!
    Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

  2. I Follow Marvelous Mom Reviews via GFC=)
    Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

  3. Twitter follower~Luvdaylilies
    Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

  4. I tweeted=)
    Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

  5. Ok...this one was sooo easy for me! While living with my in-laws for the past year (my mother-in-law buys EVERYTHING, drink, cleaning products, even some clothes...EVERYTHING!), we have been drinking the Horizon Organic Whole Milk all year. And I must say it is very tasty...added tooooooo many punds to the waistline, too! Oh, and the in-laws have also spoiled my son to the chocolate milk boxes...and they are dubbed "Mighty Milk" in our house. Of course, many of their other products do look like they would be good (like the yogurt), but I know for a fact that we are partial to the two I mentioned. :o)

  6. I am now following MMR & subscribed to it. :o)

  7. Did the FB "Like" thing and posted a comment on their wall.

    Did the coupon sign-up thing.

    Didn't know before checking out their website about the "Little Blends" and the "Tuberz".


  8. I'd also like to try their Cheese Sticks!

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  9. #1
    I'm an e-mail subscriber.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  10. #2

    I'm an e-mail subscriber.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  11. I registered to receive the Horizon coupons.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  12. #1
    What I learned:
    The company was founded in 1991 and was a pioneer in the organics industry.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  13. #2

    What I learned:
    The company was founded in 1991 and was a pioneer in the organics industry.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

  14. Oh thx for this giveaway!! My kids love it & can tolerate it, when 3 are lactose intollerant, can you believe that?! Yeah!! The yogurt looks good I want to try it frozen, like freezer pops;):)


  16. Follow Marvelous Mom Reviews

  17. signed up for coupons-yeah as this is exp$$ here!! Thx!!

  18. Tuesday tweet=)
    Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net

  19. My girls love yogurt for breakfast. Love to try some.

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  20. subscriber
    entry #2

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  21. subscriber
    entry #1

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  22. Follow MMR

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  23. I would like to try the shredded cheese!


  25. Tweeted=)
    Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net


  27. Love this Milk!
    Luvdaylilies at bellsouth dot net




  31. "2 Winners Horizon Chocolate Milk Plus DHA Omega-3 #giveaway“ 6/14

    June 14, 2010 9:30:55 PM
    from TwitBird iPhone

    Click Here!
    If this looks weird it's because Twitter is down again & I had to go through twitbird, copy my whole tweet, go thru safari, open that, open google, copy & paste it all, just for my Mimi!!;(:)


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment!