Sunday, June 27, 2010

Rachel Kurtz In Concert

Rachel Kurtz So, today after church we had a potluck. Not sure what happened, but everyone brought something I’ve never had! It was a grand success (IMHO). I love food!
After that was the Rachel Kurtz concert. Had no idea who she was, what she sounded like, but I figured it’d be a great way to spend an hour. Here’s how her site describes her:
Rachel Kurtz is a Minnesota based singer/songwriter whose distinctive voice infuses her organic instrumentation to wash over and through the listener. Her subtle blend of style reveals folk pop sensibilities with a healthy dose of soul. Audiences across the country resonate with Rachel's music. It gets inside of people, calls them friend, and lets them know they are not alone.
Man, am I glad the boys and I went. Her husband went up on stage with her, grabbed his guitar and took a seat. Somehow, he just made the stage more cool by sitting up there. Can’t even explain it.
Rachel opened up the concert with a su-weet bluesy song and her husband, Michael played with her. They were awesome! Be forewarned, I may use that word a lot with this review!
When she started singing, I initially thought of Jewel because of the “folksy-ness” of the songs. Then, THEN, she yodeled! It was sooo cool. Honestly, not kidding. Yodeling is cool.
Our worship pastor, Aaron White,  just released his 2nd CD (yes, from little ol’ Annandale) and he played with them along with Jordon H. and Kevin K. Yah, I know you don’t know these guys, but they play at church all the time. They rock, we know!
View Rachel Kurtz
View Full Album
This whole concert was fun. Rachel was so relaxed and she’s one of those people who exudes happiness for life! Michael, just sat there, playin’ his guitar, being cool. LOL He looks like he belongs in a house of blues down in New Orleans! And Rachel, man, she would sing with the best of them.
She sang this song (takes a couple minutes to load & plays automatically):
I just LOVED it!!! It made me smile. It’s about growing up in Cokato, which is about 10 minutes from me. Small little down here in Central MN.
The voice that comes out of this woman is spectacularly strong. She has such control over it. Sheesh, she can belt out the notes. If you are looking for some new music, I would encourage you to give her a chance. You will NOT be disappointed!
I’d love to see her do a CD for kids. Since she’s got 2 little ones maybe that will motivate her to move in that direction! I’d love my boys to have some folksy music in their repertoire.

1 comment:

  1. It's nice when a concert that you don't know anything about turns out to be fabulous!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving me some comment love! I'm a new fan.

    Oh, btw, I have something for you at my place...


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