Thursday, June 24, 2010

Spring Read Thing Wrap Up

Reading, a love of mine! Unfortunately, the past 6 months has seen it head to the back burner. That really bums me out! So, as I get ready to post this Spring Reading Thing Wrap Up, I’m bummed to say that once again I haven’t finished the reading challenge. Sigh…
Katrina at Callapidder Days hosts this great reading challenge twice a year. I have yet to read all the books on my list. You should check out the lists that some people can get through! It’s insane.
In the end I read a measly 16 out of 22 books. All I had was 22 books on my list for 3 months. Very sad.
On of my blogging/reading heroes is Deborah at Books, Movies, and Chinese Food. That girl can read! She read 181 books! LOL Isn’t that almost unimaginable?
I didn’t stick to my goals, and ended up reading 5 books that weren’t on my original list. I read them for reviews.
My favorite book on my original list was The Prophecy by Dawn Miller. Very interesting book and made me think of what it would be like to be aware of the spiritual world in such a way that I’d be able to “see” it! Very cool! I didn’t have a least favorite.
Through this reading challenge, I learned that if I don’t make it a priority to read then it won’t be happening. Life got in the way of my reading and to a degree didn’t care if I was reading or not. Then when I’d crack open a book, I would remember why I love reading so much!
I can’t wait until the Fall for our Fall Reading challenge!!
YOUTH (4 out of 6)
Lets Have a Daddy Day by Karen Kingsbury
Starlighter by Bryan Davis
Lost Island Smugglers by Max Elliot Anderson
Allon by Shawn Lamb
The Prophecy by Dawn Miller
This Little Prayer of Mine by Anthony DeStefano
FICTION (6 out of 10)
Here Burns My Candle by Liz Curtis Higgs
Somewhere to Belong by Judith Miller
In The Midst of It All by Tiffany L. Warren
A Promise Kept by Cara C. Putman
My Name Is Russell Fink by Michael Snyder
A Tailor-Made Bride by Karen Witemeyer
Texas Roads by Cathy Bryant
Finding Jeena by Miralee Ferrell
Morning for Dove by Martha Rogers
Seeds of Summer by Deborah Vogts (currently finishing)
NON-FICTION (1 for 1)
Distrupting Grace by Kristen Richburg
SURPRISE (5 for 5)
Sworn to Protect by DiAnn Mills
Healer by Linda Windsor
Six-Liter Club by Dr. Harry Kraus
Ransome’s Crossing by Kaye Dacus
Hurricanes In Paradise by Denise Hildreth


  1. I can't wait to check out some of these books!

  2. The Prophecy sounds interesting.

    I totally understand the priority thing...I get in a funk sometimes and may go days w/o reading, then I'll pick up a book and question how I went so long without doing it.

    Hope you have a great summer...and happy reading! ;)


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