Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Wordless Wednesday ~ Paint Balling Birthday Party!


My son getting blasted!
Taking out the other team (or hiding)
After the battle. 6 sweaty boys!
Be sure to visit these awesome Wordless Wednesday sites, too: J. Leigh Designz, 5 Minutes for Mom, and Two of a Kind Working on a Full House


Momstart said...

That scares me.

Muthering Heights said...

It looks like they had fun!

Genny said...

Oh my son would have fun with that! :)

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

I think it looks like a blast!

Kelly said...

I would love to do Paint Ball


Mrs. Frogster said...

Fun! The last time I played paint ball was in college, and if I remember correctly, it was a lot of fun and a bit painful too. :) haha

Sukhmandir Kaur said...

Looks as though Paintball is still all the rage, my boys used to really get into it when they were younger, they had all kinds of barricades set up in our 5 acre orchard until the neighbors complained. Who knew paint balls had such range?

Unknown said...

Totally cute, I am sure they loved it!
Happy WW! Come over for a visit!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said...

Paint balling is fun...but painful!

alicia said...

Looks like fun, but have heard that it can hurt. Drop by and link up at http://weloveiowa.blogspot.com/2010/06/not-so-wordless-wednesday-diy-4th-of.html.
Happy WW!

Lucie said...

Looks like he had alot of fun! My 10-year old son just played Paint Ball for the first time this year and he loved it...yes, I was scared! But, he was with his dad so it was all good!
Haven't been on your blog for a long time. I don't know how you do it...you amaze me at all of the things you do on here with four children! One day I am hopeing to get it all together! LOL

Anonymous said...

It looks like they had a blast. I think I would be the first one out.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Looks like fun!

My husband would love to do that with our son.

Dee said...

oh that looks like sooooo much fun!!

Unknown said...

Looks like a fun activity!! :)

Auntie E said...

Never played, looks like fun..
My Wednesday Link for you

April said...

i find paint ball terrifying!!!

tiarastantrums said...

oh my son so wants to do this!! I am not sure if he is old enough yet

anyreasonforcake said...

It looks like a fun party! And a great reason for cake! http://www.anyreasonforcake.com/

Marice said...

oh geesh thats one thing I wanted to try but I havent yet til now! looks really fun! Im jealous LOL :)

Liz Mays said...

That looks like fun! I heard it hurts to get hit!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a LOT of fun!

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