Sunday, July 25, 2010

Creating a Link Post: Day 7 of 31DBBB

Take the Problogger Challenge with SITS and BlogFrog
The last few days of 31 Days to Build a Better Blog has been good. I’m learning so much. And there is still so much I’m clueless about.
Today we’ve been encouraged to write a post that links to other sites. Now, I’ve done that before. If I’ve written a product review or something along those lines, you’ll find a link.
On the other hand, I’ve never written a post that’s geared toward my life or my kids that has links in it. If I have, it’d be great if someone would remind me what post(s) that was.
To a large degree, as you well know, I’m stumbling around this blog trying to figure it all out. I just do my thing when I post, not concerned about blog etiquette, link posts that are intentional, SEO (huh?), etc. I’m just blogging along in my happy little bubble.

Now ProBlogger & SITS Blog Frog want me to get focused. Um, have they met me? That answer would clearly be NO! I have ADD. I’m lucky if I remember by the end of any given post what the topic was to begin with.

I’m now starting my 7th paragraph and realizing I haven’t put a single link in! Sheesh. I need help! Ah, the brain is kicking in. Once this post goes live, there will be links in the above paragraphs!
Are you hanging on to every word? Hungry for more? Am I boring you yet? If so, I apologize. I’m blogging to learn and learn I will dag nabit (should that be one word?).

I have connected with several bloggers because I want to put what I learn in to action. For example, last night @chickadeeprints was on Twitter more than a little freaked out with all the noises she was hearing in the middle of the night. So I, along with a couple of other #31DBBB ladies amused her and were highly amused by her (until I started hearing things!). I really hope we helped her relax (aside from the coyotes).

Then there’s @AChicMommy who said she’d help me via webcam (which I don’t own) with my “fashion”, or lack there of. I told her I’m a denim & t-shirt girl trying to be more girly. That #31DBBB woman was ready to help *snap* that fast! That’s what this SITS group and #31DBBB is all about. Us helping and encouraging others where and when we can. Too bad Tye is in Hawaii and has no clue how bad of shape I’m in with my wardrobe!

Yes, there are others, but I won’t bore your for now. I’m thinking I’ll do a list post to share some other really great lady bloggers who I’ve had the pleasure of visiting! Trust me, you’ll thank me later!


  1. Hey from #31DBBB! I totally understand where you're coming from! I was just a happy blogger and then signed up for this to get better...and Whoa! SEO's and Google Analytics. Ah! Glad to know I'm not the only one. You have a great blog! Keep it up!

  2. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    This Challenge is an eye-opening experience, isn't it? I am so glad that I signed up and feel grateful that so many are willing to help me find my way!

    I followed your Give-a-way blog, but I will follow here too...good stuff!

    Kelly @ Mom Got Blog


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