Friday, July 9, 2010

Feel Good Friday ~ Some Good Worship!

Feel Good Friday I’d like to thank Laura, I mean, Erika (or so she says) from The Girl Next Door Grows Up for hosting Feel Good Friday! She holds this meme every Friday! She has 5 prompts from her original Feel Good Friday if you’d like to join in and link up.
The past week has been a whirlwind.

My boys met up with their aunts & uncles from IL and headed up to Aitkin, MN to spend the 4th of July with the extended family. Then on Monday the boys, their aunts & uncles, and grandma & grandpa headed to Canada for the week.

When they were gone to their sister’s for the weekend about 3 weeks ago, I thought those days lasted a month! Sheesh. This week has flown by. I asked my boss to schedule me as much as he wanted so I could keep my brain busy. Well, it worked. My boys will already be back in 2 days! WOW
My 2nd daughter had been gone just over a week at something called Training Camp for Royal Servants, a ministry of Reign Ministries.
Saturday was family day so we drove down there from Central Minnesota. Altogether, we drove 23 hours in 3 days. LOL It was crazy, but so worth it.
Smooch’s BFF is hysterical and had me laughing constantly. Baby drove, and terrified us, part way. Can’t even begin to tell you what that experience was like.

Now, if you are a Christian, you might recognize the song. I’m not sure of the name, but we called it “He Loves Us”. The words are easy for the chorus:
“He loves us
Oh, how He loves us
Oh, how He loves”

You can’t even begin to imagine how powerful it was to be in that huge tent with all these teenagers singing their hearts out to the Lord of their lives. They were singing with complete abandon.
I was so thankful to have been there to experience it. I love being with the youth. I used to be a Youth Leader at our church until my husband and I separated. They asked us to step down from leadership for a period of time. As hard as it was, it turned out to be perfect timing.
Being there, I can still tell my heart is towards teens. I would love to go back down there to help with Training Camp. What an awesome way that would be to serve these kids who are going into the world to serve the Lord.


  1. Sounds like some feel good things to me.

    Hope you have a wonderful weeekend.

  2. We would be bankrupt if me ot Tyler worked where you do!!! I love this post!

    You must miss you daughter terribly. I am still thinking of her while she is away.

    Laura/Erika/The Girl


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