Friday, July 23, 2010

The Weight of Shadows Giveaway

The weight of shadows Book Summary

In The Weight of Shadows, by Alison Strobel, after a difficult childhood, Kim has built a successful life for herself ... but she'd leave it all if it meant being rid of the guilt she harbors over a tragic mistake she made years ago. When she meets Rick, she finds everything she needs---including a way to pay for her sins every time he hits her. Kim and Rick's new neighbor, Joshua, knows more than Kim realizes about Rick, but Joshua has battles of his own to fight. Soon to intersect Kim's and Rick's lives is Debbie, who has saved countless women from abuse through the shelter she runs, but Debbie might be as desperate for love as the women she serves. Meanwhile, as Rick's wrath extends to their baby, Kim must decide if her penance is more important than protecting that innocent life---and if she should dare leave Rick when he has the power to bring her hidden crime to light.

My Review

This is the first novel I’ve read by Alison Strobel and it was amazing! The Weight of Shadows is not a touchy, feely, life-is-perfect novel. In fact, it’s hard hitting and a stark contrast to most of the Christian novels I read.

Alison tackles topics that you don’t see very often, if at all in Christian fiction and she doesn’t hold back. Abuse and self-cutting are the two topics that are tackled in The Weight of Shadows and you can tell Alison did her homework.

When Kim meets Rick, you think this is a sweet match made in heaven. Unfortunately, heaven doesn’t last long for this couple. Kim learns very quickly that Rick has expectations and they had better be met.

Debbie is struggling after the loss of her sister a number of years before. She deals with the struggle by throwing herself into her job. Her work at the Women’s shelter is becoming more of a weight to bear.

Joshua lost his wife and is beginning to move on with his daughter. His in-laws bring tension into their lives that no one deserves. This was one of the best parts of the story, even though it was a hard one to read. Alison didn’t hold back with the nastiness of the in-laws and Joshua tried to be as kind as possible, but had to draw the line at some point.

The lives of Kim, Rick, Debbie and Joshua begin to intersect as the story unfolds. You don’t lose site of the story lines as you read through the Weight of Shadows. You are more and more drawn in.

Yes, faith is involved in the novel, but Alison doesn’t clobber you over the head with it. Not that there’s anything wrong with being clobbered by the Lord. =)

I have got to say, this will be in the top 5 books that I’ve read this year, if not the best!

More Tour Info:

Alison's blog:

Info on free ebook:

book on Amazon:

book on

If you’d like, you can read an interview along with my original post here.

Required: Tell me your plans for the rest of the summer.

Giveaway open to US residents 18 yrs and older. Please leave me your email in your Required entry or have it available in your profile. No email/contact = No entry! Giveaway ends 7/30 midnight PDT. Winner has 48 hours to respond.

Extra Entries:

Leave a comment on one of the other Tour participant’s review and let me know who’s it was (2 entries, comment 2x)

Visit Alison’s site and leave her a comment U let me know where to find it (2 entries, comment 2x)

I’d like to thank Alison Strobel and Zondervan for my review copy and giveaway copy. The opinions expressed are my own.

Finally, I’d like to share what Alison had to say about the tour:

Hey there! I just wanted to say thanks to my fine blog hostess and to her readers. I have been really excited to see how many people are thinking of picking up the book because of the reviews they read during the blog tour. And thank you to everyone who entered the contest! I'll be drawing a winner on July 18 and posting it on my blog. If you haven't stopped by my blog or website yet, I hope you'll pop over sometime and say hi in the comments or on the guest book. Also, if you're interested in hearing about my next releases and any other exciting news that happens to come up, please sign up to receive my announcements--the sign-up is on my website. I have another novel coming out in September, two more next year, and two children's books that my husband and I wrote (the first of which comes out August 1), so there will be plenty of news coming, and I try to host contests now and then on my blog, too.

Thanks again! And if you do decide to pick up The Weight of Shadows and give it a read, please come tell me what you thought of it. I mean it. :)


  1. My plans for the rest of my summer is probably boring to everyone else...I'll be doing a lot of scrapbooking, reading and talking with my tween daughter(while she still thinks her mama is cool!)
    thanks for the chance to win...I'd love to read the book!

  2. I like that this book discusses some untouchable subjects in the area Christian fiction. My plans for the rest of the summer include a vacation, reading, relaxation and work of course.

  3. My plans for the rest of the summer include going shopping for school clothes for my daughter - school starts monday. Yikes! (year round school here)

  4. Next week I am going to BlogHer and then after that I'm getting my son ready to move to college at the end of August. Yikes!

  5. Commented on hippie housewife's review here #1

  6. Commented on Alison's blog here:

  7. Hi, I'm visiting from 31DBBB You had mentioned that you don't link that much because you often write about things that don't really work well for links. I understand where you're coming from. Sometimes I write a post based on something I actually read somewhere. Anyway, just wanted to stop by and say hi!

  8. For the last two weeks, I have had no voice and had trouble getting well due to having been diagnosed with several auto immune diseases. The next month will be spent going to the doctors' appointments and getting an infusion every four weeks when I am consider well enough. I want to go to Houston to see my grandson on his 4th Birthday on September 5. Just hope that my body cooperates.

    Thank you,


  9. My plans for the summer is to stay out of the heat, and read some great books. I'd love to read this book too. Please enter me. Thanks!


  10. We are planning on taking a family vacation into SD in Aug.
    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  11. Sounds like a great book! Well, we only have about 3 more weeks before we start back to school! So my plans mainly consist of school planning for the new year!


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment!