Friday, August 6, 2010

Feel Good Friday: It’s Been A Good Week!

Feel Good FridayWow, there are so many reasons to be doing FGF this week! Thank you Erika at The Girl Next Door Grows Up for Feel Good Friday! Click here to learn how it all began and to see her prompts for each Friday.

39482_651163291763_38208863_37368165_5520432_n 1. Smooch came home from her mission trip in India safe and sound! As soon as I saw her I couldn’t contain myself and ran straight for her! Knowing she was where I could touch her…it’s unexplainable!

2. I had 3 days to myself while the boys went up North with Grandma and Grandpa. I didn’t do much, but what I did do was completely guilt free. I should’ve been mowing the yard, but eh, it’ll be there later.

IMG_3262 3. I was able to get together with the Minnesota bloggers again at the Mall of America! It was so fun to see these ladies again. I am grateful that I was able to do the campaign with these other 6 ladies.

DSC03721 4. I went to Valleyfair with a friend from work and her teenage daughters and their friends. Its’ the first time I’ve been there in 6 yrs and the FIRST time I’ve gone without any kids. That means I was free to do whatever I wanted and I did. Scared the snot out of myself!!

5. I’m heading up North to be with the boys. My brother-in-law and his family is flying in from out of state this weekend. My sisters-in-law are coming back up again from IL along with their families. It’s going to be a crazy weekend hanging with family.


  1. wow! you have been way busy this summer! I can't even remember that last time I went to an amusement park and kidless, no less! :)

  2. Aww!!! That sound like a super fun weekend! I love the Valleyfair pic! I used to love rides, now I get really dizzy, so I just eat. I love things on a stick! Our county fair starts next week and I can't wait!

  3. It sounds like a great week!

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