Friday, August 20, 2010

Feel Good Friday: My Daughter’s Dream Car

Feel Good FridayI’d like to thank Erika from The Girl Next Door Grows Up for hosting Feel Good Friday! Head to her site to see how to participate, link up, and then go a visitin'!
The prompt I’m using today:

○Write about something that happened to you this week that really made you smile.  Was it your child, husband, or maybe a complete stranger did to you?
Ok, so this didn’t happen to me, but what did happen made me so amazingly happy. Get ready, it’s a long one and DON’T scroll to the bottom!! It’s part of the story! Seriously don’t do it!! Oh, I just saw you try to peek. LOL
8929_263655835466_591275466_8687762_6748878_nMy oldest daughter, Baby, is fun, goofy, easy going, smart, sweet, giving, tender hearted, Blonde  etc etc etc.
Things haven’t always been easy for her. In high school she worked 2 jobs and took high school classes as well as PSEO through the college she now attends. She was also on a number of leadership teams at school and church.
Baby was/is one busy girl.

Now she will be a sophomore in college, having worked in a Care Home for disabled people.
This summer she worked at the care home and volunteered at a different organization pretty much every day of the week in Minneapolis, which is a drive from St. Paul. She didn’t get paid for all those hours of volunteering and she was just fine with it. That’s just the way she is.

Unfortunately, her car is a piece of crap. Bought it from a friend who really had never had any problems with it. Within a week it started having issues. We thought it’d be a one-time fix. Yah, here we are a year later STILL putting $ into the heap!
Brie n marieSo, she has a good friend, M, that she met last year who lives in WI. This gal’s family has pretty much adopted my daughter. They have taken her in and loved on her like she really has always deserved.
This is God in action.
Baby’s car is history. We are D-O-N-E with it. That means a different car. No money to buy one isn’t helpful to the situation.
Insert M’s family. Papa P. has decided he’s going to put $ towards a car for Baby, we just have to find one. Oh, and he has a friend who is a dealer & goes to car auctions weekly.
I get the call. There’s a car. I figure, a Ford Focus. She loved it for a long time until we had a loaner. The blinker is what killed it for me ever getting one and she wasn’t thrilled with it either. It’s the little things people.

Baby, “We found a car, guess what it is.”
Me, thinking one thing, but saying, “A Ford Focus?”
Baby, squealing with delight as she says, “No, something else.”
Me, in shock, “No way. You didn’t get a…”
IMG_3452 Oh yes she did. She got the car of her dreams. A Volkswagon Beetle. It’s a 2005 with 72K+ miles. The price was just right.
Never in a million years could I have provided my daughter with her dream car, but God, working through Papa P. and his family helped her get this car!
Seriously, this makes this mom HAPPY!
And I sent her back to her dorm with flowers from my garden in her little vase by the steering wheel!


  1. That is AWESOME! It's very rare when someone gets their dream car, especially so young! What a great story!

  2. No way! Slugbug!! What a cute car, plus it look like it is in excellent shape. Also what nice people to help her find her a car. People are great!

  3. WHAT A GREAT STORY!! for many reasons, you have raised a truly caring daughter, being disabled myself, I will treasure this trait greatly. Plus I live in Wisconsin, and it is great to hear about another Wisconsinite doing a good deed. But mostly I am a Christian who truly believes he puts us in the right place at the right time.

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. OH and the car is pretty cool too!!!


  4. A great story! And so glad to hear that my daughter isn't the only one who says that a beetle is her "dream car"!

  5. Very nice - I'm always surprised and amazed at how generous people can be. We need more people in the world like this.

  6. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, how fantastic!

  7. How great! My girls love beetles too. My family car when I was a kid was a baby blue VW. It's probably still driving around somewhere.


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