Thursday, August 26, 2010

Historical Fiction Author MaryLu Tyndall Coming to Minnesota!

Oh my goodness, oh my goodness! I’m so excited to see MaryLu! I met her a couple years ago at the Mall of America. For some reason, I didn’t take a photo with her. Oh, it will be different this time. There will be photos.

MaryLu is one of my favorite historical Christian fiction authors. She writes swashbuckling like nobody’s business. But on top of that, and the most important part, is that she writes characters we can relate to, even though the book is set in a different time and place.

Here’s the info about MaryLu and her newest release Surrender the Heart.

LifeWay Christian Store
6-8pm on Friday, Sept. 24
Cobblestone Court
14150 Nicollet Ave. S.
Burnsville, MN 55337

LifeWay Christian Store (where I’ll be)
11am to 1pm on Saturday Sept. 25
Arbor Lakes Mall
12985 Elm Creek Blvd.
Maple Grove, MN 55369

LifeWay Christian Store
3-5pm on Saturday, Sept. 25
Valley Creek
1750 Weir Dr.
Woodbury, MN 55125

MaryLu MaryLu Tyndall, a Christy Award Finalist and bestselling author of the Legacy of the King’s Pirates series is known for her adventurous historical romances filled with deep spiritual themes. She holds a degree in Math and worked as a software engineer for fifteen years before testing the waters as a writer. MaryLu currently writes full time and makes her home on the California coast with her husband, six kids, and four cats. Her passion is to write page-turning, romantic adventures that not only entertain but open ’ readers’  eyes to their God-given potential. MaryLu is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Romance Writers of America. For more information on MaryLu and her upcoming releases, please visit her Web site at or her blog at

Uhrichsville, OH—Popular Barbour author MaryLu Tyndall begins a riveting new romantic adventure series set against the rich backdrop of the War of 1812 with the release of her historical novel Surrender the Heart in August 2010. The novel is book one in the Surrender to Destiny series.

surrender the heart Surrender the Heart finds Marianne Denton engaged to Noah Brenin, a merchantman she despise and who has no intentions of going through with the wedding himself. Unwillingly, the volatile couple find themselves deeply entangled in the War of 1812 when Noah’s ship is taken by the British and they obtain knowledge that would greatly aid the United States’ effort. As they battle to stay alive, defy the enemy to save their country, and escape from a British warship, can they also fall deeply in love?

Author Q&A:

Q: Explain your research of the War of 1812 for the Surrender to Destiny series, specifically as it relates to the Baltimore area.

A: In order to get a real feel for the city, the area, and the history of the war, I decided to spend a week in downtown Baltimore. Little did I know that the very week I planned to travel there, the city was celebrating the War of 1812 Battle of Baltimore and the bombing of Fort McHenry with various reenactments and a fireworks display! During my time there, I spent hours in the city’s museums. I toured the home and museum of Mary Pickersgill, who made the enormous flag that flew over Fort McHenry, and the Nautical Museum, and Fort McHenry itself. I spent an entire afternoon on board the USS Constellation, a tall ship that sits in the Baltimore harbor. But the best part was the tour of Fort McHenry and watching the reenactment of the Battle of Baltimore and the bombing of the Fort. I also spent a whole day in the historical museum downtown. The information I couldn’ t find while I was there, I found online through various ancient books and original documents, and in research books written about the war. I found an old 1822 map of the city online which gives the names of the original streets and the location of various public buildings! It’s amazing the things you can discover with our current technology. All in all, I had a blast doing the research for this series and I learned a tremendous amount about the war and the Baltimore area.

Q: In Surrender the Heart, the heroine, Marianne Denton, describes herself as plain, ordinary, and lacking in charm. What prompted you to create a character dealing with these issues of self-esteem?

A: So many novels in the romance genre these days are about gorgeous heroines who are charming and courageous. But truth be told, most of us are not like that. Most women I meet consider themselves plain and ordinary and lacking in skills and charm. So I wanted to create a heroine that most women could relate to, women that the world considers ordinary, and then show that in God’s eyes, they are anything but plain—that in God’ s eyes they are special and precious and that He can use them mightily. I also wanted to show that it isn’t only the beautiful, talented women who get the handsome hero. Us ordinary women can also have grand, romantic adventures!

Q: In the story, Noah carries a tremendous burden with him. What would you say to someone who, like Noah, carries deep guilt from some deed in his or her past?

A: I can really relate to Noah because I, too, carry a tremendous burden from my past. I believe most of us carry some sort of guilt from a past deed. The devil will use all his power and send out all his demons to continually attack you keep you burdened down with regret and guilt so you can be no use for God. Don’t let him! First we have to realize that Jesus took all our guilt, all our pain, all our sins upon Himself on the cross. They are gone! Wiped out forever. When we keep taking them back upon us, we are saying His sacrifice wasn’t enough. We are scorning the cross. Stop it. Repent of any past deeds and then receive God’s forgiveness and love. Then whenever those old feelings of guilt come back, quote the following scripture out loud over and over until they go away. The devil hates God’s Word and He can’t be around it so you’ll send him packing! So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus. . . .

Q: Marianne deals with a certain phobia in the story. Do you have a phobia? If so, how do you deal with it?

A: Yes! I have several phobias! Cockroaches and heights are my major ones. I try to avoid both as much as possible, but when I can’t, as in the time my husband and I stood on a cliff 3,000 feet above the Yosemite valley, I try to breathe deeply and pray, pray, pray! If I listen to that still small voice of God’s Spirit within me, I realize that no harm can come to me that God does not allow. I am in His capable hands until the day He takes me home.

Q: Discuss “destiny” and how essential finding God’s destiny for their lives is to the characters in your story.

A: I am so passionate about people finding God’s purpose for their lives! I believe so many of us miss the wonderful plan He has for us. If you’re alive and on this planet, then God is not done with you yet. He has something for you to do! Many things for you to do. When you think about it, it is really quite exciting! We get to be a part of God’s kingdom and His ultimate plans for this world and this age! Our lives matter. They count. We are important because we belong to God. Then why do most Christians wallow around in lives of drudgery and defeat? I hope to show through the stories in this series how we can come to know God’s ultimate will for our lives and how by submitting to God’s plan, we will find our destiny and the fulfillment we all seek from this life.

Q: What scripture inspired this story?

A: I love the story of Esther. It’s a short book in the Bible, and I encourage everyone to go read it. It’s all about destiny. The scripture that inspired this story comes from Esther 4:14: “If you keep quiet at a time like this, deliverance and relief for the Jews will arise from some other place, but you and your relatives will die. Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?” I believe we will all come to a crossroad in our lives, perhaps many crossroads, where we will each have to answer that question. A point where we will each have to overcome our fears, insecurities, and unbelief and step out in faith to do what God has called us to do. Who knows? Perhaps when you do, God will use you to save hundreds, thousands, maybe even millions of lives and souls!

I’d like to thank Angie at Barbour Publishing, Inc. for letting me know about MaryLu being in MN! I was not compensated in any way for posting this information.

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