Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wordless Wednesday Cousins at Sunset


Make sure to check out these Wordless Wednesday participants and link up below: J. Leigh Designz, 5 Minutes for Mom, and A Beautiful Mess.


Liz Mays said...

That is just fantastic!

alicia said...

I LOVE this. It's beautiful. Really. Thanks so much for linkin up. Happy WW!

Will said...

Beautiful photo and looks like a beautiful time.

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Looks like the end of a really great day.

Heather @ Girl Gone Mom said...

Gorgeous - takes my breath away!

Dee said...

That is such a beautiful shot!!

Veronica Lee said...

Beautiful pic!!

Happy WW!

Liza said...


Maria @ LSS said...

Beautiful shot!

Cafe au lait said...

What a pretty scene. Happy WW.

I played too. Mine are here and here.

Simply Delicious said...

Beautiful photo.

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said...

Great photo!!


Andrea Kruse said...

Just beautiful!

Dumb Mom said...

Great shot. I had a bff-cousin when I was growing up. That was cool.

Beth @ Fabulous Won said...

Wonderful photo! Thanks for stopping by my WW. My mom does pick up our kids for school b/c we technically live "too close" (don't even get me started!) to the school for a bus to drive them. She works there so she takes them. When do your kids go to school after labor day? so jealous!

Danielle said...

Beautiful picture!! Love this.

Secret Mom Thoughts said...

Beautiful shot.

Colleen (Shibley Smiles) said...

Sunset photos are beautiful nice job


Thanks for the link up, come by and link up as well.

Hannah Nicole said...

Beautiful capture! I love the colors--just gorgeous.

Have a lovely Wednesday!

Children Teaching Mama said...

What a wonderful picture! Thanks for the linky! Stop by my place something, too! :)

Roxanne@ Children Teaching Mama


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful moment to capture.

faith ann raider said...

beautiful photo.
LOVE your blog design.
I've got 4 kids too!
Happy Wordless Wednesday!

Typical Suburban Family said...

Great photo! Love the lighting!

Unknown said...

Great pic! Family is SO great!
Following you now from 5 Mins. Come check us out and follow back!

The Shopping Mama said...

That looks so nice and relaxing. How fun for the cousins to hang out together.

My Little Anchors said...

great pic!


Auntie E said...

Love the photo. Evening shots are so hard to do but fun to see.
My WW link for you

Auntie E said...

Great photo. Evening shot are so hard to do, yet so fun to see.
My WW link for you

Doll Clothes Gal Pal said...

They sure are having fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Awesome photo. I love sunset

Real Housewives of Oklahoma said...

What a beautiful memory! Mrs. Hart

Unknown said...

Beautiful shot! Happy Wednesday!

Together We Save said...

Wonderful picture!!

~ Noelle said...

that is a cool picture

Jane in AUSTRALIA said...

what agreat blog. Lots of variety...
spreading the love

Daenel T. said...

Beautiful picture! Have a great weekend.

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.