One of my daughter’s senior photos w/ her horse Binty.
Smooch and her BFF at the photo shoot
Make sure you check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants: A Beautiful Mess, J. Leigh Designz, and 5 Minutes for Mom.
One of my daughter’s senior photos w/ her horse Binty.
Smooch and her BFF at the photo shoot
Make sure you check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants: A Beautiful Mess, J. Leigh Designz, and 5 Minutes for Mom.
In the midst of all my insanity this past week comes an amazing moment for my 2nd daughter.
2010 India Team
She came home and there was a letter here for her from Royal Servants. Royal Servants is who she went with for her 1st mission trip this past summer to India.
Turns out they’ve invited her to be part of the Nehemiah Team. The Nehemiah team is handpicked for this trip.
She had been hoping to be picked for the team, but I thought, eh, it’s a long shot. Not because of my daughter, but because there are so many people to choose from.
The people chosen for the Nehemiah Team are all from this past summer’s mission trips. All of them. This past summer the teams went to:
(Sierra Leone), China, Costa Rica, India, Ireland, Nepal, and Western Europe (EuroQuest)
The Nehemiah Team went to Israel and Slovakia. Here’s what Reign Ministries says about the Nehemiah Team:
“The Nehemiah team is a special invitational, leadership-development, mission trip for Royal Servants alumni. It is led by Reign Ministries' founder, Louie Inks. It has a three-fold purpose:
The 2011 Nehemiah Team will be going to Israel and Italy to minister. What an amazing experience she will have.
During the flooding in India: sopping wet! Smooch is on right
The only “down” side to this trip is that this is Smooch’s senior year. She was going to have her grad party with her BFF and another friend. That is now out of the question. She will have to go down to Training Camp for 3 weeks at the beginning of June.
Her entire summer, 8 weeks, will be spent elsewhere. While everyone else is getting ready to leave home for college, Smooch will be sharing Jesus with others! Is that crazy or what?
Now, we only have to come up with nearly $7000. That’s doable, right? LOL
*I know very few people are going to care about this journey I’m on, but it’s one I have to travel. Since I don’t journal this will probably be cathartic for me. Hopefully I will come out the other side in a better place than I am right now.
This week has really been an emotional week.
After my meeting with my estranged husband on Wednesday I pretty much spent all of Thursday having anxiety attacks at work. I hadn’t dealt with those since we first separated 4 yrs ago.
Today at work I made a mistake and it could’ve become a big issue, but thankfully the store manager decided to let it slide this time.
It was an honest mistake, and it wasn’t even a big deal, but I took it really hard.
I couldn’t shake it. For hours.
I just mulled it around in my head over and over. I could’ve done this, I could’ve done that. How long is my manager going to be pissed, because I did piss him off.
I came up with all of my defenses in case he brought it up at a different time. I had a lot of “reasons” why I did what I did. They seemed logical to me, and still do. I was ready to defend my choice if it came down to it.
Then as we were closing the store, the manager I’d managed to avoid for the rest of the night walked by the aisle I was in and just smiled at me and kept walking. Not one of those snotty smiles. Just a good ol’ smile like nothing was wrong.
What in the world? Had he not thought about this for the rest of the night, too? Did he just let the situation go? Over and done?
I nearly burst into tears at the amount of time I’d spent trying to come up with my defense to protect myself.
All of a sudden I realized why I had wasted so much time emotionally and mentally.
This is what I’d spent my entire marriage doing. Defending myself. I never seemed to do anything right. Every time I was “wrong” I had to defend myself. Then I would defend and defend and defend until I couldn’t come up with one more thing or reword it in a different way.
Eight years of always having to justify a thought, an action, or whatever. I guess it won’t be easy to stop reacting to certain situations easily.
Since my husband has been out of my home, I haven’t really been in a position of having to “defend” myself. After tonight I realize I have a lot of years to unravel.
There is a lot to recover of the person I used to be. I’ll be forever changed by these past 12 yrs and won’t be the same person I was before I met him. I will have to figure out how to get rid of this, and other, bad habits. If not, I won’t ever be “me” again.
I knew today was coming. I had a couple weeks notice. I had no idea how it was going to go.
My husband and I have been separated nearly 4yrs. Boy, I don’t really know where to go with the story now. There’s so much that’s happened in those 4yrs.
We live in the same town. We have 2 boys together. I have 2 daughters from my previous marriage. Yes, I’ve been married twice.
Anyhow, today I had a meeting with my husband and his counselor. They wanted to discuss what was happening with our marriage. I wasn’t sure what I was going to say.
I wanted him to go first. Kinda feel him out. Were we on the same page or was a battle about to break out?
Neither of us wanted to talk. Take the first step. Thank goodness his counselor had an idea. We each had a pad of paper and wrote down our thoughts about our marriage and where we saw it in 2 yrs.
I sat. I stared. A blank page. Nothing. I was empty.
I was scared.
What if he said all he wanted to do was work on the marriage? I had a feeling that wasn’t the case, but who knew?
I started to write. I knew he was writing.
When we finished she took our pads of paper. We turned our chairs back to back and read what each other wrote. We were pretty much on the same page.
I couldn’t see us married 2 yrs down the road. I didn’t see us still married yet separated. I wouldn’t be able to do it. I couldn’t.
I felt so bad. There were some tears over not having more than “friend” feelings towards him. He had tears over the choices that brought us to this point.
So much hurt. So much lost time. So much of our lives wasted.
There will be more pain as the days, weeks and months go by. We will have our highs and lows. I will bear the burden of telling our boys.
It’s so funny. I didn’t realize that even during this long term separation that I still felt “safe” and “sheltered”. I was married. I wasn’t truly alone. I still had a husband.
Now, with the direction we are now taking, there will be nothing.
I thought there’d be a sense of relief. A {sigh}. But tonight, all of a sudden there was a {gasp}! A realization. I am getting divorced. I will be divorced.
Today was not easy!
I was flipping around stations the other day on my way to work and grabbed part of the radio hosts conversation. The hosts are actually married and I can’t even remember which station it was.
The husband was saying that his wife had been crying at work because it made her sad to think of their child going to school…next year. It was very sweet. Then they played this song.
I cried on the way to work.
I was thinking of my oldest daughter. I have no idea which of my girls will get married first. They’re only 19 and 17 for heaven’s sake. But the thought of it makes me sob. It’s just one more step in my little girl growing up.
My prayer, one I’ve prayed since my girls were little is that they will find a man who loves my daughter deeply. That “he is good, so good.”
I hope this song resonates with you, especially if you are a mom with a daughter.
Rugby has a friend over. I'd call her his girlfriend, but I don’t want to embarrass either of them.
There’s a back story to why we’re dog sitting.
Two years ago I was given Rugby by my estranged husband. I really felt like we needed a dog for safety reasons. So along came Rugby.
Then I thought it might be good to have 2 dogs. You know, for them to grow up together and be buddies. Miracle of miracles, my in-laws were all up north and a stray female black lab was at the cabin.
They called around and no one claimed her. The only issue, she was preggers. Hmmm, maybe lots of puppies would be fun around the house! (that is a nightmare story for another time)
So, up north I went to retrieve my boys and new dog. She was a sweetie. Not overly big, but a lab nevertheless. And yes, she was pregnant.
On our way home I noticed something. Um, she’d just lost her plug. She was going to have puppies!!!
It was a family affair. Abby, our new black lab, started popping out puppies. This was a completely new experience for me. She did a great job of pushing those babies out. Out of 8 puppies, only two were chocolate. The others were all black.
One of these puppies was K.D. My BFF ended up taking her, much to the chagrin of her husband! Ah, my life is good when I’m torturing him.
So now, when LK and family go off on a trip, K.D. comes to visit. Rugby is in heaven and I feel like the 2nd mama getting to see her long lost daughter on special weekends.
♪♪Rugby has a girlfriend, ♫Rugby has a girlfriend. I couldn’t resist!
Back in January of this year, my youngest son Doodle started having throat problems. At first it wasn’t noticeable. I realized he was coughing/clearing his throat a lot, but it didn’t stand out to me.
Then it started happening almost constantly. It was driving us all crazy. To me, when he cleared his throat, it sounded phlegmy. In between the clearing of his throat he would do a bit of coughing.
Of course I took him to the doctor because I thought he might have allergies, but in January? In Minnesota? And non-stop for months?
We didn’t see his regular doctor because I figured if were allergies this other doc could diagnose it. I told him what signs I saw and what I thought was going on. He basically repeated back to me what I had said. Um, I’m not the one with the degree pal. He was worthless.
I decided to have him see the Elementary school counselor. We’ve used her before and she’s fantastic with kids and families. Why had it taken me so long to think of this?
I would say within a week of seeing her, the tic had decreased significantly. I was shocked. I wasn’t sure if it was a tic, but once we saw this amazing improvement, I was convinced.
I looked back to January and don’t see a catalyst for his tic. He did have tubes put in his ears but that was his 3rd surgery in his life and he didn’t seem concerned about it whatsoever. Nothing “bad” had happened that I know of.
When he would have it at home, it seemed to follow no course or happen during specific times. It was just there.
By the end of school I saw no signs of the tic anymore.
During the summer, it cropped up a couple of times and I would ask Doodle if something had happened or if he was upset about something. The answer was always, “no”, but I still asked. It would only last a little while and not show up again.
I know that if this or some other tic comes up, we’ll be visiting the school counselor. She really is awesome. Hey, maybe she could do some adult counseling. If so, make me an appointment!
I love you. Let’s start there.
We currently share a bathroom. A mom and 2 boys.
The girls were lucky and got to have the bathroom upstairs to themselves.
I don’t particularly mind sharing the bathroom with you but…
Would you mind thinking about your mom after you go potty?
Mom doesn’t care to sit down on the toilet and realize the back of her legs are now wet. Thanks!
Would you mind hitting the target? I realize if you wake up late at night it’s hard to see and the light is blinding. But during the day, I figure you should be able to make it INTO the bowl.
I’d also like you to get in the habit now of putting the seat down after you go to the bathroom. I don’t care for falling into the water because you’ve left the seat up.
Your future wife will appreciate you learning this now so she doesn’t have to have this same discussion with you down the road.
And one last thing, this mom of yours would appreciate it if you would flush when you get done going potty. I like not finding surprises when it’s my turn to use the bathroom.
Your Mom
By the fifth block I was done. Although my four-inch stilettos made my legs look long and lanky, they also made my previously innocuous little toe scream with pulsating pain. Walking to and from my business luncheon in fancy high heels had been my biggest mistake of the day. Where were my sneakers when I really needed them?
The craze started over 20 years ago when women, following the lead of the Silver Screen, started donning their sneakers in place of stilettos. The wise woman prized comfort over fashion, elevating her “right” to wear sneakers from her front door to her desk without anyone giving a second glance. It didn’t matter how matronly she looked or how disjointed her business appearance, functionality was given prominence.
So why have my sneakers been collecting dust in my front closet while my stilettos need new heels?
As I pondered this question, I realized that my choice between stilettos or sneakers is indicative of a greater question regarding my integrity at my workplace. Sneakers are stable, no nonsense, functional and take-me-as-I-am footwear. Stilettos are representative of my desire to fit the business mold and improve my appearance. In essence, I hope to portray a version of myself that looks better than reality. Likewise, how often are the choices I make around telling the truth or shading the truth based on my desire to fit in, to make myself look better or to prop up my lagging competency?
It has become socially acceptable to fudge the truth (even just ever so slightly) in order to increase our likeability. Robert Feldman, in his book The Liar in Your Life, quoted a study indicating that the average person lies three times every ten minutes in a conversation. The intention of these lies is not to manipulate. Rather, people lie so that they come across more interesting, likable and desirable. Sounds a little like stilettos.
Our propensity to shade or embellish the truth has strong ramifications in our workplace. When the boss calls to see if we’ve done the big project and we respond “Yep, just about” when we know that we’re only about 25% finished, we may find ourselves in a situation where we must continue to shade the truth in order to save our skin. One lie is seldom enough. When (not if) our untruthfulness is discovered, we will have a much more difficult task rebuilding the eroded trust.
If deception is telling and living a life of lies, then living honest is conveying truth no matter the consequences. Living honestly means we live authentically; but integrity takes this a step further. Unlike children who lie to get themselves out of sticky situations, integrity calls out greatness and gives evidence of maturity. In the workplace, we start with honesty, add authenticity, and then our character culminates with integrity.
In defense of all stiletto-loving working women, please don’t interpret my use of this metaphor to suggest that stilettos are wrong and sneakers are better. Rather, on this “sneakers at work" day, may it be a reminder that being a person of integrity will always be better than trying to make yourself look better. In the long run, sneakers will take you further than stilettos. Not just my feet will attest to that truth!
Paperback: 192 pages
Retail: $14.99
Publisher: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City
Released: September 1, 2010
ISBN-10: 0834125234
ISBN-13: 978-0834125230
ROSEMARY FLAATEN’S successful book, A Woman and Her Relationships won The Word Guild Award, which is Canada's top Christian literary honor. Now she writes A Woman and Her Workplace to help women process their 9-5 relationships. A dynamic speaker—Rosemary challenges women of all professions to view their work as a calling and their workplaces as opportunities to live out Christ’s love. Rosemary lives with her husband and three children in Calgary, Canada.
I’d like to thank Kathy Carlton Willis Communications for sharing this information.
T.L. Higley is one of my favorite authors. She takes us to a time that is very rarely covered in Christian fiction. Ancient history has never been that fascinating to me. That is until I read Higley’s novels.
Because of my busy work weeks the last 2 weeks I haven’t had a chance to finish the book yet, but when I do I’ll have a more detailed review! I love what I’ve read so far!
The “not” first day at college. My girl is in the middle. These are her roomies! I seriously dig them. She knows how much I love 1st day of school photos but forgot to take one then did this one. I’m guessing it was for her dear, sad mom. It’s the 2nd year I haven’t gotten to see her on her first day of school. Waaaaah!
Life as a college sophomore. Seems I missed out on a lot by not going to college after high school!
Make sure you check out these Wordless Wednesday participants: 5 Minutes for Mom, J. Leigh Designz, and A Beautiful Mess.
Critically Acclaimed Tour Will Feature Guest Artists: Jason Gray, Jill Phillips, Andy Gullahorn, Ben Shive, Andrew Osenga
Nashville, TN (September 7, 2010) ---- One of the most highly anticipated Christmas concerts of the holiday season, Behold The Lamb Of God, will launch in December for its eleventh annual run. Christian music’s most prolific singer/songwriter, Andrew Peterson, announced the tour today that will also spotlight this year’s featured guests, singer/songwriters Jason Gray, Jill Phillips, Andy Gullahorn, Ben Shive and Andrew Osenga. The tour kicks-off December 2nd in Durham, NC and will visit fifteen cities before ending in Corsicana, TX on the 19th. A complete listing of the tour dates is available below and at Tickets will be available at local venues and online at
Peterson launched the Christmas tour in 1999 to present a musical rendition of the Christmas story and to reinforce the true meaning of the season. It was immediately embraced by fans nationwide because of the powerful performances, entertaining stories and the sense of community between Peterson and his guest artists. The result was multiple sold-out venues and yearly return engagements, which includes Nashville’s historic Ryman Auditorium. In 2004, fan support led Peterson to record his first Christmas album, Behold The Lamb Of God: The True Tall Tale Of The Coming Of Christ, and the project won the 2004 Best Album of the Year, World Christian Music Editor’s Award. In 2009, Peterson released a 2-disc 10th Anniversary Edition of the project that includes a remastered version of the original CD and a live recording of the Christmas concert from 2008.
It’s been a whirlwind of activity for Peterson with gearing up for the Christmas tour and recently releasing his latest studio project, Counting Stars. The project is Peterson’s highest selling CD to date, as it entered at #6 on Billboard’s Christian Albums Chart and debuted at #1 on iTunes Christian Albums Chart for three straight days. The album received rave reviews from Christian and mainstream critics with saying, “Counting Stars is another success for Andrew Peterson, and the last five songs prove the artist can stretch beyond his comfort zone.” and Seattle Post-Intelligencer exclaim, “Counting Stars is an all-embracing music any lover of Christian folk gospel and contemporary music would warm to.” The second single from the project, “Dancing In The Minefields,” went for adds at radio last Friday and the video is in heavy rotation on the Gospel Music Channel and has become a YouTube favorite.
About Andrew Peterson
Peterson began his career in 1996 and signed with his first label, Watershed/Essential records in 1999. His first CD, Carried Along made CCM magazine’s list of Top Ten albums of 2000. In 2004, Peterson received his first Dove nomination for “Family Man” for Country Recorded Song of the Year. Peterson’s first project for Centricity Music in 2008, Resurrection Letters, Volume II, became the highest Billboard charting album of his career. Peterson has also authored three children’s books, The Ballad of Matthew's Begats, On the Edge of the Sea of Darkness and the 2010 Christy Award winner for Young Adult Fiction, North! Or Be Eaten. Last month, Peterson hosted his first annual event with Hutchmoot 2010, a three-day conference for lovers of story, art, and music. The conference sold out in an incredible three weeks. For updates about Andrew Peterson please visit or
About Centricity Music
Centricity Music is an independent recording and publishing company based in Bellevue, Washington and Nashville, Tennessee. The company’s mission is to enable our artists to create life-changing experiences for the world. Centricity Music’s artist roster includes Jaime Jamgochian, Downhere, Jason Gray, Lanae’ Hale, Andrew Peterson, High Valley, Matt Papa, Sixteen Cities and Me In Motion. For more information about Centricity Music visit online at
Behold The Lamb Of God Tour Dates: (Tentative)
12/2 - Durham, NC
12/3 - Richmond, VA
12/4 - Milford, OH
12/5 - Milford, OH
12/7 - Huntsville, AL
12/8 - Jackson, TN
12/9 - Topeka, KS
12/10 - Lincoln, NE
12/12 - Knoxville, TN
12/14 - Montgomery, AL
12/15 - Charlotte, NC
12/16 - Nashville, TN
12/17 - Houston, TX
12/18 - Wichita Falls, TX
12/19 - Corsicana, TX
I remember the morning of 9/11/01. I was sleeping. My kids had been back in school for about a week. My husband came into the bedroom to wake me up because he was watching the Today show and something crazy was happening.
In my morning fog I had no idea what he was talking about. I headed out to the living room to see what he was babbling about. Being Central time my kids hadn’t left for school yet. The girls were pretty concerned about what was happening. They didn’t understand it and neither did we.
My husband had woken me up just after the 2nd plane had hit.
I have to admit, it was all so overwhelming, I don’t remember the towers coming down. I just remember the horror of it all. Seeing all the people crying out for help above the impact. We had no idea what was to come.
I can’t even remember if the kids went to school that day.
I remember the plane crashing into the Pentagon because my mom works right by it and it was freaking me out. I had to get hold of my mom!
When I finally got hold of her she told me my grandma had been at the towers the day before having lunch. The DAY before.
What sticks out in my mind the day after this tragedy is the lack of planes in the air. I kept looking up, still in shock at the lack of anything flying in the sky. It was eerily quiet. It was a strange sensation that sticks with me even today.
I also remember the Canadians that took care of so many airline passengers who were stuck with no where to go and no way to get home. In the midst of so much evil, there were those doing good.
Today, remember what hate can do. It can literally kill. Observe a moment of silence for those innocent people who lost their lives. Keep the families who lost loved ones on September 11th in your thoughts and prayers!
by Allison Pittman
Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN-13: 978-1414335964
About the book:
All Camilla Deardon knows of the Mormons camping nearby is the songs she hears floating on the breeze. Then she meets one of them—a young man named Nathan Fox. Never did she imagine he would be so handsome, so charming, especially after Mama and Papa’s warnings to stay away. Though she knows she should obey her parents, Camilla can’t refuse her heart. But even Nathan’s promises cannot prepare her for what she will face in Utah.
My Review:
This was such a powerful story. The beginning so detailed and emotional, it drew me into the life of Camilla.
You can see how her mom and father set her up to be influenced by Nathan and his Mormon beliefs. I wanted to fling myself into the story and tell her not to believe what he was saying to her. To not go with him.
It’s that powerful. I could tell what would come because of my own hindsights. I could relate in some ways to Camilla. She just wanted to be loved and Nathan was there to provide it for her.
I believe that Nathan loved Camilla, but his desire to please the prophets (not God) outweighed anything else in his life.
I wasn’t sure as I was reading For Time & Eternity if Allison would make Mormonism in line with the same beliefs as Pentecostal Christians. With her writing, I could see how people would be drawn into being part of their society. Of course, as we got further into the story, we start to see the differences between what main stream Christians believe and Mormonism.
Allison does a fantastic job not blasting the Mormon church. Towards the end, through Camilla and the others in her community, Allison shows where the differences are in our beliefs and how those differences line up with scripture.
I would absolutely recommend this novel! It is powerful and holds your attention from beginning to end.
In 2005, Allison Pittman left a teaching career to follow the Lord’s calling into the world of Christian fiction, and God continues to bless her step of faith. Since then she has published 6 novels and one nonfiction work. She lives in San Antonio, Texas, with her husband, Mike, and their three sons. Visit her website at
Hensley Publishing
8.5" x 11" Workbook
ISBN 10: 1-56322-108-X
ISBN 13: 978-156322-108-8
Retail: $19.99
DIVAS' Top 10 Necessities for a Fulfilled Life
About the Authors:
From high top basketball shoes to high heels, each step of Donna’s life has equipped her for a Life Coaching career. She is a challenging facilitator whose “tell it like it is” approach always incorporates a call to action from her participants.
Donna draws from her background as a recreational therapist to create dynamic outcome-oriented keynotes, retreats, and curriculums. Her greatest passion and deepest joy is to “coach” women in realizing God’s plan for their lives and in discovering for themselves the source of genuine joy.
Donna is a wife, mother of two, and beloved friend. Donna’s hobbies include hiking, vacationing at the beach, and trying projects from popular HGTV home improvement shows... much to her husband’s dismay!
Sherri invested many years with companies such as Biltmore Estate, Chick-fil-A, and Chimney Rock Park in developing new and creative programs to excel these corporations to higher levels of success.
Sherri is founder and CEO of Power-Up!, a coaching company whose mission is to take individuals and corporations to the next level of success. She works as a coach, facilitator, and speaker for a variety of clients ranging from corporate executives to stay-at-home moms. Sherri’s passion is unlocking the untapped potential within others to help them gain fresh perspectives, develop clear vision, and establish action steps that will make their dreams reality.
Sherri is a wife, aunt, and friend to many. She has a self-proclaimed addiction to shoes, purses, and Starbuck’s coffee. One of her life goals is to be on Survivor (her favorite TV reality show!).
Giveaway Opportunity: I will choose one commenter to send to the giveaway drawing from KCWC who will choose the winner from all the blog participants.
• Silver flip-flops
• Purse and shoe picture frames
• Box of Godiva truffles
• DIVAS of the Divine book & journal
Sherri: If life for you is like driving 100 mph in a convertible, make sure you have a map to your dream destination and a friend to keep you focused on the plan so you don’t get sucked into the tourist traps along the way. Don’t be Thelma and Louise! Allow your passion to drive you to the mountain top of success instead of driving you off the cliff with no purpose.
Donna: The shopping mall is full of new shoes but they can only be enjoyed if you take off the old,
try on the new, and then commit to pay the price.
For more information visit the DIVAS website:
or view their information at Docstoc or Google Docs.
I want to thank Kathy Carlton Willis Communications for setting up the blog tour and for my copy of the study. The information above was provided by KCWC.
and the book:
Harvest House Publishers (June 1, 2010)
Went shopping with my friend LP after we ate dinner at Smashburger (review & giveaway to come). At Lunds LP’s daughter and niece wanted their own carts. I ran back out to the car and grabbed my camera! The little girls are growing up!
Be sure to check out these Wordless Wednesday participants as well: 5 Minutes for Mom, J. Leigh Designz, and A Beautiful Mess
and the book:
Harvest House Publishers (June 1, 2010)