Monday, September 20, 2010

Dog Sitting K.D.

Rugby has a friend over. I'd call her his girlfriend, but I don’t want to embarrass either of them.

There’s a back story to why we’re dog sitting.

IMG_3573 Two years ago I was given Rugby by my estranged husband. I really felt like we needed a dog for safety reasons. So along came Rugby.

Then I thought it might be good to have 2 dogs. You know, for them to grow up together and be buddies. Miracle of miracles, my in-laws were all up north and a stray female black lab was at the cabin.

They called around and no one claimed her. The only issue, she was preggers. Hmmm, maybe lots of puppies would be fun around the house! (that is a nightmare story for another time)

So, up north I went to retrieve my boys and new dog. She was a sweetie. Not overly big, but a lab nevertheless. And yes, she was pregnant.

On our way home I noticed something. Um, she’d just lost her plug. She was going to have puppies!!!


IMG_3579 It was a family affair. Abby, our new black lab, started popping out puppies. This was a completely new experience for me. She did a great job of pushing those babies out. Out of 8 puppies, only two were chocolate. The others were all black.

One of these puppies was K.D. My BFF ended up taking her, much to the chagrin of her husband! Ah, my life is good when I’m torturing him.

So now, when LK and family go off on a trip, K.D. comes to visit. Rugby is in heaven and I feel like the 2nd mama getting to see her long lost daughter on special weekends.

♪♪Rugby has a girlfriend, ♫Rugby has a girlfriend. I couldn’t resist!


  1. Hooray for Rugby & K.D., lol!


  2. oh my goodness, I can't imagine having to deliver puppies!


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