Friday, September 10, 2010

For Time and Eternity by Allison Pittman

for time and eternity FOR TIME AND ETERNITY

by Allison Pittman
Tyndale House Publishers
ISBN-13: 978-1414335964

About the book:

All Camilla Deardon knows of the Mormons camping nearby is the songs she hears floating on the breeze. Then she meets one of them—a young man named Nathan Fox. Never did she imagine he would be so handsome, so charming, especially after Mama and Papa’s warnings to stay away. Though she knows she should obey her parents, Camilla can’t refuse her heart. But even Nathan’s promises cannot prepare her for what she will face in Utah.

My Review:

This was such a powerful story. The beginning so detailed and emotional, it drew me into the life of Camilla.

You can see how her mom and father set her up to be influenced by Nathan and his Mormon beliefs. I wanted to fling myself into the story and tell her not to believe what he was saying to her. To not go with him.

It’s that powerful. I could tell what would come because of my own hindsights. I could relate in some ways to Camilla. She just wanted to be loved and Nathan was there to provide it for her.

I believe that Nathan loved Camilla, but his desire to please the prophets (not God) outweighed anything else in his life.

I wasn’t sure as I was reading For Time & Eternity if Allison would make Mormonism in line with the same beliefs as Pentecostal Christians. With her writing, I could see how people would be drawn into being part of their society. Of course, as we got further into the story, we start to see the differences between what main stream Christians believe and Mormonism.

Allison does a fantastic job not blasting the Mormon church. Towards the end, through Camilla and the others in her community, Allison shows where the differences are in our beliefs and how those differences line up with scripture.

I would absolutely recommend this novel! It is powerful and holds your attention from beginning to end.

allison_candid_185px About the Author:

In 2005, Allison Pittman left a teaching career to follow the Lord’s calling into the world of Christian fiction, and God continues to bless her step of faith. Since then she has published 6 novels and one nonfiction work. She lives in San Antonio, Texas, with her husband, Mike, and their three sons. Visit her website at

1 comment:

  1. Great review! I just reviewed it myself and loved it!! It was a great book and very well done.


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