Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: College Sophomore

The NOT first day of school photoThe “not” first day at college. My girl is in the middle. These are her roomies! I seriously dig them. She knows how much I love 1st day of school photos but forgot to take one then did this one. I’m guessing it was for her dear, sad mom. It’s the 2nd year I haven’t gotten to see her on her first day of school. Waaaaah!

 Brie Abby JaNae Kelsey Marie Sarah Lauren

Life as a college sophomore. Seems I missed out on a lot by not going to college after high school!

41104_456844164975_655474975_6405955_5890819_nThat’s my girl. I’m so proud!

Make sure you check out these Wordless Wednesday participants: 5 Minutes for Mom, J. Leigh Designz, and A Beautiful Mess.


  1. Such fun times she'll remember forever!
    Happy WW!


  2. Oh goodness! What is that? You're only young enough to get away it for so long! I miss those days lol!

  3. awe yes this makes me miss college. something about campus in the fall too! it is so beautiful this time of year!

  4. It's funny how something can seem so yesterday, but then realize it was years ago...

  5. Yeah, I only went 1 semester away before I got married and I think it's great to have the college experience. Looks like a blast. Thanks for linkin up again. Happy WW!

  6. Oh, Love the pics. Guess I missed something by not going to College away too!

  7. Ha! I love the shots! She looks so happy! I didnt get the full college "experience" since I commuted locally so I am always fascinated to see other's experiences!

    Happy WW!


  8. I remember those days. I have college sophomore too; however, she's going to local Technical college here in town. Next year she'll be moving on to out-of-state 4 year college so she'll be in the dorm. Looks like fun.

  9. I love it when they are eager to go to school.. wonderful times.

  10. Mimi,
    Hey! Sorry I haven't been by in a while : (

    As you might remember I'm a college freshman this year. It sucks! Not goign to lie...these pictures make me sooooo jealous. Everyone's like "it'll get better", "it's always tough in the beginning". Nope, I think it's just me and my bad luck : /

    You see, I'm only 40 minutes from home (the best decision I could've EVER made!). So it's close enough to get home, far enough to be...well...away. My roomie is okay. Sometimes are a little tricky because she doesn't necessarily like to talk to me, but I think it's going totally fine. That's not the problem! We're in a suite. Yep a suite as freshman. There are 4 freshman (including the 2 of us). The other two are down the hall. We then have seven upper classmen. Yes, seven...they don't talk to us, are loud all the time, have people over A LOT, and (here's the biggie) like to party. Last week they got drunk one night already....like I've said to other people. It's definitely not tempting to me, no way uh-uh *shakes head* It just makes it a little bit of an awkward living arrangement, I think.

    Some days/nights aren't too bad. Last night I just vegged and watched a couple episodes of Ugly Betty and it made me VERY happy! Lol....the classes are about what I expected so far. I'm not too nervous, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to handle them. I guess, the classes were never what made me all that nervous for "college". It was everything else. The adjustment, the people, the social scene...

    I really haven't made all that many friends, just a handful. It makes me soooo excited when I can go home on the weekend! This is our second week. I had to go home last weekend for a doctors appointment (ended up having to get a cortisone shot : /). But it was a GREAT excuse to go home! It was awesome...it really was. This weekend is the fair, so naturally I have to go home agaiN! YAY! I'm the world's most pathetic college student...

    Okay, sorry to rant and rave at you and I'm definitely not critisizing your daughter. It sounds like she really hit the jackpot! I'm super jealous of her and excited for her!! Hopefully next year you'll get to go and see her there on her first day : ) It's the thought that counts, afterall!
    Again, sorry!
    Talk to you soon,

  11. Mimi,
    Hey! Sorry I haven't been by in a while : (

    As you might remember I'm a college freshman this year. It sucks! Not goign to lie...these pictures make me sooooo jealous. Everyone's like "it'll get better", "it's always tough in the beginning". Nope, I think it's just me and my bad luck : /

    You see, I'm only 40 minutes from home (the best decision I could've EVER made!). So it's close enough to get home, far enough to be...well...away. My roomie is okay. Sometimes are a little tricky because she doesn't necessarily like to talk to me, but I think it's going totally fine. That's not the problem! We're in a suite. Yep a suite as freshman. There are 4 freshman (including the 2 of us). The other two are down the hall. We then have seven upper classmen. Yes, seven...they don't talk to us, are loud all the time, have people over A LOT, and (here's the biggie) like to party. Last week they got drunk one night already....like I've said to other people. It's definitely not tempting to me, no way uh-uh *shakes head* It just makes it a little bit of an awkward living arrangement, I think.

    Some days/nights aren't too bad. Last night I just vegged and watched a couple episodes of Ugly Betty and it made me VERY happy! Lol....the classes are about what I expected so far. I'm not too nervous, I'm pretty sure I'll be able to handle them. I guess, the classes were never what made me all that nervous for "college". It was everything else. The adjustment, the people, the social scene...

    I really haven't made all that many friends, just a handful. It makes me soooo excited when I can go home on the weekend! This is our second week. I had to go home last weekend for a doctors appointment (ended up having to get a cortisone shot : /). But it was a GREAT excuse to go home! It was awesome...it really was. This weekend is the fair, so naturally I have to go home agaiN! YAY! I'm the world's most pathetic college student...

    Okay, sorry to rant and rave at you and I'm definitely not critisizing your daughter. It sounds like she really hit the jackpot! I'm super jealous of her and excited for her!! Hopefully next year you'll get to go and see her there on her first day : ) It's the thought that counts, afterall!
    Again, sorry!
    Talk to you soon,

  12. Oh how I love that second image. I am pretty sure I have a very similar one somewhere from my sorority days that involved cake. Way too much cake.

  13. That looks like a blast! I never stayed at college so I missed out on all of that too!

  14. Such a wonderful time & such a hard time for you.

    I am sorry I missed those college days. I started and then threw them away for a boy *sigh*

    Hugs & love,

  15. She is a ray of light and it looks like she is LOVING college!

  16. Looks like she's having a lot of fun at college but I bet she misses her mom like crazy!
    Happy WW!

  17. cute pics... hope she takes tons of pics while in college...
    i treasure mine! :)

  18. Looks like she is having fun! I went straight to College after High School, and had to work 3 part time jobs myself to do so! No easy feat I tell you!

  19. LOL Mimi, she looks like she's having fun. Love the pictures (and you're giving me hope that I will survive next year when I'm sending my daughter off to college).

  20. Wow, she and her friends look super young! I don't remember looking that young when I was a college sophomore! Maybe it was because I already felt old!

    Looks like she's having a blast! These are definitely memories she'll cherish always!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog...hope you'll be back agian soon!

  21. Fantastic pictures!!! You must be one proud mama!


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