Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Choosing Between Kids As A Single Parent

It doesn’t happen often, but as a single mom sometimes I have to choose where I’ll be. Which kid I will watch do whatever.

Today was ALMOST one of those days.

IMG_3757 My 2nd daughter, Smooch, plays tennis. She’s a senior and today was her last regular game that I could attend. It was also the first one I’d be able to make. The last time I tried she got rained out!

Turned out my youngest son also had soccer at the same time I needed to be heading to Smooch’s game, which was an hour away.

I had NO option. I had to stay for my son. There was no way to get him home. We don’t have family around to ask to pick him up. I have friends, but can only ask so much of them.

During work today I checked my messages and soccer had been cancelled because of a homecoming activity! How amazing is that? I consider it a God “thing”.

Without this cancellation, I would’ve missed the tennis match. I’m so thankful I didn’t miss it. She played amazingly!

IMG_3760 She WON so easily and it was a beautiful thing to watch. I was so sad to have missed so many of her games this year. There was nothing I could do about it though.

So, today worked out ok, but it hasn’t been so pretty before. Another time I’ll share about having to be in 3 different places at once and my magnificent meltdown.


  1. This has got to be one of the hardest things about being a single mom...everyone needing your attention all at the same time. Glad that you got to be there for her tennis game. I can still remember the times that my mom was able to show up to my events in high school - she worked full time and it made me feel so special. Have a great day!

  2. It was fate that you could make it! I bet they all understand if you can't.

  3. I feel your pain trying to be in three places at one time. I only have one seven year old and I struggle to be at all of her things! Stopping by from the SITS Lamby group to say Hi ;-)

  4. Oh dear... that is one problem of single mommyhood I had not foreseen!
    Glad you came out of it with flying colours! :)

  5. I hated stuff like that, but my boys weren't into sports, so it didn't happen too often.

    Hugs & love,

  6. WOW... I'm soooo with ya there.. single mama to 3 yr old twin boys... TALK ABOUT MELTDOWNS... lol. It's the domino effect in MY house.. Once I start, they follow.. hahahahahaha... Thanks for the follow... following ya back..

  7. oh, glad you didnt miss your daughter's game! =D

    it must be tough deciding where to be when both options are important!

  8. So glad you were able to make it! I haven't faced that challenge YET.. but I'm sure I will.


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