Monday, October 25, 2010

Women Of Faith Conference at Xcel Energy Center

I won tickets to the 2010 Women of Faith Conference here in St. Paul, MN. I was so excited to go because I haven’t attended for about 5 years or more.

I knew right away that I wanted to take my 19 year old daughter, Baby. I rarely get to spend time with her being away at college and I knew this would be a great time for us to be together. Plus I had free room and board got to hang out with her and her roomies.IMG_4081Friday I shipped the boys off to a friend’s house and took Rugby to spend his first doggy overnight with a close friend’s family and their doggy Katie. Remember she’s been here before!

I headed down to St. Paul and met up with Baby before the Evening session. We were there for a few hours and then headed back to Baby’s dorm room to “sleep”. I’d just like to say for the record that I wish I could go back and have a Do-Over. I never went to college and being with those girls overnight was just plain fun!

Xcel Center Saturday morning we dragged ourselves out of bed and headed back to the Xcel Energy Center for a day of listening and learning.

Going to these conferences, one of my favorite speakers is Patsy Clairmont. If you EVER have the chance to hear her speak, you will not be disappointed. She’s a feisty little wisp of a woman who will have you really laughing.

mandisa At first I couldn’t figure out who the gal was at the foot of the stage getting her groove on with every worship song being sung. I pulled out my program and that’s when I remembered Mandisa from American ldol was supposed to be performing. That woman knows how to worship all out! She gets in some awesome aerobics! She’s not afraid to show her stuff while worshipping the Lord!

Another gal who can take a regular song and transform it for the everyday woman is Anita Renfroe. That gal knows what it’s like to have ta-tas that aren’t so perky when you get older, that the kids don’t always listen and that marriage isn’t as easy as a teenager envisions.

IMG_4085 The team that I really anticipated hearing were Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman. Steven Curtis Chapman is synonymous with Christian music. I had never heard Mary Beth speak so was excited to hear from her. The only “problem” was I knew I was going to need tissues. See, 2 1/2 yrs ago one of their sons accidently hit his sister with a vehicle and she died. I knew it wouldn’t be easy.

When SCC was introducing his sons, who play in his band, I may have tweeted out something to the effect of “if you ever want to set your son up on a blind date, let me know I have a precious daughter”. *grin* I mean, they are the same age. tee hee hee Don’t tell my daughter she’d have a cow!

One of the sweet songs SCC sang was Cinderella and I sobbed through the whole thing and leaned over to kiss my girl and tell her I love her. Mary Beth spoke of the tragedy, but even more, how life has gone on and they are finding a new normal.

sandi patty I also enjoyed hearing Sandi Patty speak and sing as well as Lisa Welchel, who I grew up watching as Blair on the Facts of Life. I love how down to earth she is.

Lisa Welchel We ended up having to leave early because I had to get back to work. That meant we missed Marilyn Meberg. We got to hear a few of her opening lines and I could tell Baby wanted to stay because she was pretty funny!

I’d like to thank @hopemag for the opportunity to go from winning them at their Twitter party! I was blessed not only by the conference, but the time I got to spend with my daughter!


  1. From the pictures and words you had a lovely time...It's nice to be around other people and share stories...and make new's all about relationship

  2. What a wonderful event!! I know how excited you were and it is even better to spend with your girl :-) yay!

  3. Sounds like such an amazing experience - so glad that you got to share it with your daughter and get the real college experience while you were at it.

  4. What an experience!! You are so lucky! I can't believe the size of the audience!

  5. What a wonderful way to spend some time with your daughter and connect with her while feeding your faith!
    I'd love to have you stop by Saints and Scripture Sundays sometime!

  6. I am now following you too. This conference looks awesome. I went to a similar conference with girlfriends and had a blast.

  7. Sounds like you had a great time!

    I had some friends of the family go to this too - another mother and daughter pair. Sounds like it was a great event for families :o)

  8. What a fabulous experience! I was supposed to go in summer 09, but it didn't work out. I'd love to go!

  9. Mimi looks like you had so much fun, I'm so happy you won such a great gift and ur DD is so beautiful :)
    I love SCC 2 and that song Cinderella is the best .. Glad you had fun <3 have a Blessed Night @ellyfilho

  10. Thanks so much for writing about your weekend with us!

  11. It sounds ike a great event. I'm so glad you got to go.

    I tagged you on my blog today if you want to play along!

    Hugs & love,

  12. Oh wow. That looks and sounds like a wonderful experience for both you & your daughter.

    ps Thank you so much for your well-wishes, prayers, love & friendship. It has truly helped me more than I can express as i have begun walking this new path before me. Most sincerely, Debi


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