Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: First Time Mower



Thanks for stopping by. Be sure to check out these other Wordless Wednesday participants: A Beautiful Mess, Two of A Kind Working On A Full House, and 5 Minutes for Mom.


  1. Looks like he was doing a great job. Please feel free to link up at my blog too.

  2. Now those are great pictures!

    Hey...Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I was on MBC not long ago and thought of you. I miss trading emails you, Mimi! I always had such a good time with you. I have been busy with other projects and trying to make living...lol...trying...not really succeeding...lol. :)

  3. Okay...I commented but it seems to have disappeared or I am a dork? lol. Wait...don't answer that.

    I miss you Mimi...I was just thinking about you the other day when I visited MBC. I miss trading emails late at night, I always had a great time.

  4. Oh are you in for a treat now Mama! If he's anything like my son, you will never have to mow again! Big Bro always asks if he can mow and we just have to supervise :)

  5. Awh yes, I remember the days when mowing was our son's chore and he loved it. Great post!

  6. Quite a milestone!

    Dagmar's momsense

  7. big yard!
    was it the first and last time?!
    ha ha

  8. Looks like someone has a new chore! I wanted to mow grass for the longest time...for some reason I thought it looked fun. Then one day I did and I hated it!

  9. It looks like he is up to the job. My husband can't wait for our son to get big enough to mow the lawn.

  10. I think my husband is counting down the days until our boys are old enough to mow the lawn!

  11. Ha, isn't it going to be snow shoveling soon?

    Hugs & love,

  12. so sweet!! looks like he's go it down!! stop by!I rally love your blog!

  13. Oh I cannot wait for the day I can turn this duty over!

  14. I remember that. The lines were a terrible mess!

  15. Awww what sweet photos :) And looks like he did a fantastic job mowing the lawn!

    You have such a beautiful blog here (LOVE your header!). I just wanted to thank you so much for stopping by on my SITS day and for leaving a comment so that I may find you in return. Hope you're enjoying your weekend and keep up the great work :)


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment!