Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Me and Then My Girl

A couple of photos for you today:

Me before our women’s dinner at church (you won’t see me like this again for a LONG time! Give me my Levi’s! I’ve been going to my church for 10 years. I had people looking at me saying, “You’re wearing MAKE-UP!” Yah, I know and it’s killing me! LOLIMG_4187 IMG_4180How my oldest daughter spent getting ready for Halloween with her college roomies. How adorable are they?


Brie N pumpkins  Marie Brie Carly

Do you see the ladybug design in her pumpkin on the right?

Bries ladybug pumpkin

Check out these other awesome WW participants: Look What Mom Found, A Beautiful Mess, 5 Minutes for Mom, and Two of a Kind


  1. That ladybug pumpkin is so cute!!

  2. Awesome carving there! Happy Wednesday to you!

  3. that is really cute! oh and btw, you and your daughter look really great!

  4. Ah! I've never seen a ladybug pumpkin before. So sweet.

    Gimme jeans any day too ;) You "clean up" nicely LOL

  5. So jealous. We didn't do the jack o lanterns this year. Happy WW!

  6. Great shots! Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  7. You look beautiful! And that is talent to make that ladybug!

  8. You look great and so do the girls! I liked you on Facebook. Will you come like me?

  9. Love the girls, it is fun to make up your own costumes... Love the ladybug.. Was it hard to do?

  10. The pumpkins look great and so do you. It is fun to dress up every now and then.

  11. How pretty are you?!!!! (with and without makeup)I love that ladybug!

  12. sounds like me. except for sweaters I have no more going out clothes that fit. hard to dress up.

  13. Your daughter and her roomies look like they had a blast!

  14. Very pretty, simple yet elegant style, love it!

  15. Dude you look stunning!

    Hugs & love,

  16. Love the pumpkin! You look great and your daughter is adorable, they grow up way to fast!

  17. You look great and the pumpkins too.

  18. That ladybug pumpkin is ahhhh-maaazing! Your girl's got talent!! :) Australians don't really celebrate Halloween here so there are no pumpkins to be seen here except for the butternut squash ones that are meant purely for eating. (And definitely not carve-able!) Looks like so much fun!!!


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