Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dear Boys ~ Your Hats & Gloves

Hello sweet and cold boys of mine. Winter hasn’t officially arrived, but the snow and cold has. I do have a number of requests as we come into the next 6 months of our lives.

Couldja do me a few favors?IMG_4639

○Keep your mittens/gloves together. When you take one off, put the other one with it. Look around you at school and make sure they BOTH go into your locker.

○Hats, they’re meant to be worn on your head. To keep you warm. To cover your ears. Not wearing your hat means your extremities are being exposed.IMG_4637

○When you come in from playing outside wouldja take your snow pants OUT of your boots and hang them up to dry? Keeping them in a pile means they stay wet and you can’t wear them at school. That means no outside playing but standing against a wall and freezing your butt off. Doesn’t sound like fun to me!

We can do this boys! We can get thru the next 5-6 months and only go thru a couple pairs of hats and gloves, right? Come on, don’t make a liar out of me! And if you come across the matching gloves/mittens would you mind bringing them home to their mate?


Your dry and warm Mama


  1. My boys seem to leave one glove here and another disorganized. They are like that with shoes, too. Drives me nuts.

  2. LOL......boys!!

    Even 17 yr old boys :)

  3. I sure remember those dripping wet piles of winter clothes! 'Tis just the beginning too...

  4. Hahahaha Too cute. I see COLLEGE students wearing hats all spring and summer, come fall and winter they seem to lose them. What's with that? I also see them wearing flip flops. In the snow. But that's a whole nother story.


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