Thursday, December 16, 2010

I’ve Been Blessed By A Mystery Person

So, as most of you know, Minnesota was hit by a pretty big snow storm last Friday night and into Saturday. I was so thankful that we didn’t have to go anywhere and I didn’t have to work all weekend! YES!

Later in the afternoon I saw our neighbor riding around in his Bobcat. Buddy plays with his son. Doodle and I were sitting around the house doing pretty much nothing when I saw the Bobcat going by. I jumped up and said, “Please come to my drive way, please come to my driveway.” I wasn’t expecting him to. He’s never plowed our driveway before. When he turned into the driveway, Doodle and I both yelled, “YES!” And he was done in about 5 minutes. Man I wish I had a Bobcat!

I had gone out right away (10am in Mimi wake up on Saturday time) and shoveled the sidewalk and made a b-line for the path for the boys to take to get to the bus. We have a really big yard and they have to trudge thru a lot of snow to get to it in the mornings.

IMG_4640 Well, about 2 hours after I shoveled, the wind was so bad it had completely covered my path. Ugh, I could NOT believe it. My shoulders were killing me because it was deep and heavy and took about an hour to shovel!

Tuesday night I was letting Rugby out to do his business and all of a sudden I realize there’s a path in my yard. Like an intentional path.

I did a double take. Were those tire tracks in my yard? What the…

IMG_4648 At first I didn’t realize it went all the way through my yard. I thought maybe a snowmobile had gone thru, but realized it was a plowed path.

Someone came to my house, at some point, and plowed a path for my boys to walk to the school bus in the mornings and after school.

Isn’t that the craziest thing? I have no idea who would know that my path was filled up, that they didn’t have their usual path. I’m going to make a couple of calls tomorrow because this will drive me nuts.

I’ll check with the people I think it could be: KB (who blew all my leaves this Fall), LP (who knows of my neediness), the neighbor D who plowed my driveway, our neighbor down the street? I’m baffled.IMG_4652

If I run into road blocks I will just chalk it up to a God thing, which it is regardless of whether or not I find out who did it or not.

Whoever it is, thank you for blessing my boys with the bus path.

*An update, even tho you don’t know it’s an update. Wednesday morning my youngest told me a different neighbor 3 houses down came over and plowed the walkway! Rugby likes playing with his Border Collie, Lucy.


  1. That's why we call it "Minnesota nice!" Have a great Merry Christmas!
    desertrose5173 at gmail dot com

  2. Isn't it wonderful to have such nice neighbors.......Gotta love winter!

  3. What a great world it would be if we all took care of each other like this! Happy Holidays!

  4. What a wonderful blessing at Christmas time!!!!

  5. Awe, how blessed are you??

    Thats just awesome:)

    Hope your day is great!

  6. That was so nice. That is a loooong walk.

  7. It is wonderful to have a kind neighbor.

  8. Sounds like you have you have blessing to be thankful for.

    Thanks for joining the Challenge.


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