Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Can Your Kid Beat Up My Honor Roll Student?

Sorry I haven’t been able to do a lot of visiting of Wordless Wednesday participants. I’ve had computer issues since Thanksgiving. You have NO idea how long it takes me to get anything done.

Thankfully a friend is going to work on the computer while we’re gone on Christmas vacation. Hopefully when I get back I’ll be able to get thru everyone who visits and links up!

IMG_4584 Make sure to visit these fantastic Wordless Wednesday participants also: Beautiful Mess, 5 Minutes for Mom, and My Organized Chaos.

Remember, Inlinkz.com no longer allows photo links for free so I will only be using text links for now. Thanks!


  1. Congrats on the Honor Roll student! Sorry to hear about your computer issues. I always feel like I am just a day away from a virus or major crash. Hope to see you back commenting after the holidays. :)

  2. :( about the computer
    WHOO HOO about the honor roll!

  3. I have to say congrats on the honor roll but that really sucks about your computer. I'll keep my fingers crossed it is an easy fix!

    Happy WW and thanks for stopping by!
    Emilie @ Baby Loving Mama

  4. Congrats on the honor roll!

    Happy WW!

  5. so Proud of him I'm sure. I bet he works hard and maybe one day your honor roll student can fix your puter like mine does.

    TOOK him 4 yrs of high school and 2 yrs of college but he can do it.

    Hope your computer gets fixed soon until then enjoy your Christmas vacation

  6. Too bad about the computer; they're great when they work but...

    Happy WW

  7. Congrats proud momma! Yep, computers can be tricky sometimes... hope this challenge has a happy ending/new beginning!

  8. Congratulations to him! That's excellent!

  9. Hooray for your son & boo for your computer!


  10. YAY for honor roll! Stinkin' computer... mine is really slow tonight!


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