Friday, January 28, 2011

Blissdom: You’re There, I’m Not

So, in case you’re not clued in to the blogging world, Blissdom is happening in Tennessee. There are hundreds of bloggers hanging out, connecting, and rubbing elbows with each other. They’re learning amazing things at break out sessions and learning SO MUCH. I’m trying to live vicariously on Twitter as I follow the #blissdom hashtag.

Blissdom Conference ~ Nashville ~ January 26-28, 2010

The problem with following the #blissdom hashtag is the green-eyed monster keeps popping up. I see bloggers I love following and reading, and everyone else seems to be meeting them…except me. Oh, and have I mentioned the pampering they’re receiving from #GE in the form of massages? Come to find out, I’m not alone. I guess not eeeeeveryone is at Blissdom, but me.

By the way, is it BlissDom or Blissdom because they use both at the website.

So, in an attempt to bring together the bloggers who WANT to be at Blissdom, but can’t, Ann Marie at Household 6 Diva created a 2011 Blizzard Blog Hop. Big ol’ hug to Ann Marie for helping us to not feel left out!

Blizzard  Bloghop 2010 hosted by Household 6 Diva


I’d love to say what an amazing, funny, brilliant, well rounded, fabulous parent I am, but I’d be totally lying. I’m just me. Mimi. Nothing spectacular. I find myself amusing, and pray to God that others do to. If not, they just have to bear with me.license

I really don’t have any photos of me because I’m always behind the lens!
No that’s not a mug shot…driver’s license heh heh heh

Man, why can’t I come across on my blog like I do in real life? It’s such a strange thing. I’ve been blogging for 3 yrs, but my blog, up until last August was a Christian book review blog. That’s IT! Then the SITS Blog Frog group did a challenge to make us better bloggers in 31 days.

Well, I did great on the first day…then my ADD kicked in and I kind of tanked after that. BUT my blog has changed. I actually have 2 blogs, which I’m considering combining. You’ll find me around the blogosphere as “bigguysmama”. I used that name when my 11yo son was born because he was a tank. If you saw him now you’d think I was lying.

I enjoy doing Wordless Wednesdays. I’m now trying to do Project 52 and post photos every week. Almost forgot last week, but I’m doing better this week!! Woo Hoo I also just started a voting linky that I’ll be doing on Mondays. Do you need someone to vote for you for, well, anything? Got a photo trying to win online? A recipe to win 10 grand? Link up and we as a community will vote for you.

I also love Twitter. I’m a bit addicted. My boys know when mama’s doing a twitter party I’m trying to win something awesome. Ok, this week I won a sheet set from Sears, but to me that’s awesome. I’m holding out for a Wii or XBox for my boys!!! Oh I hope, I hope.

IMG_4755Me and my kids at the National Art Gallery in D.C. Christmas ‘10 

I’m a Christian single mom of 4 kids. Actually I’m not single yet. I’ve been an only parent for over 4 yrs. I’ve got my divorce papers, but you should see the stack sitting in front of me. And for the record, it’s about $250/hr to talk to a lawyer!! Rolling my eyes. That’s insane. Exactly why I’m going to play recordings into my boys ears while they sleep, “Someday I want to be a lawyer and take care of my mom.”

My oldest daughter, Baby, is a sophomore in college. The thought of that makes me want to throw up because that means I’m old. Oh, my stomach is churning…on to my next kid before I break down in tears. Yes, she’s a blondie just like my youngest.IMG_4532Smooch is a senior this year and taking all her high school courses online through college (Post Secondary Enrollment Option) so she’s getting college credits also.IMG_4531Buddy is a 6th grader. How is my boy in his 2nd year of middle school already? Life just blazes by without asking us how we feel about it.IMG_4534Then bringing up the rear is Doodle. He’s in 2nd grade. Poor kid will always be my baby. To think it’s been 7 yrs since I had my last baby makes me want to weep sometimes. This little guy has hearing loss in his left ear. He rocks a hearing aid.IMG_4533I’m also a stepmom to a great girl who’s actually NOT a girl, but a young woman. She has a little boy who’s in 1st grade and will be having her 2nd son next month! Even after her dad and I get a divorce we will still be pals. I was never like a mom to her in the first place. I love her and wish we lived closer!

IMG_5042IMG_5047 Uncle Doodle and his nephew who’s only a year younger. =)

About my other blog. A year ago I started Marvelous Mom Reviews. I thought my readers here would prefer my family friendly product reviews to be somewhere else. Almost a year later I’m finding it hard to do both. So, I’m considering combining them back here again. Problem is, I’ve put so much work into my other blog it’s going to be hard to close it down. I’m just not there yet and I haven’t even 100% decided to move it all over. I’m such a procrastinator!

Anywho, if you want to go check it out, you can see what I’m talking about and give me any ideas if you have them.

Well, that’s me in a nutshell. Nothing exciting or something to write home about. I’m still finding my blogging legs here. Hope to meet the rest of you at a blogging conference sometime!!


  1. I was just talking to my husband about Blissdom this morning. It sounds like it is a blast. I have been following it on Twitter too.

  2. I tried to win a free ride to blissdom... didn't work so like you, I'm kinda following the hashtag and blog hopping like crazy. what a beautiful life you have. come visit me at when you have a chance. take care!

  3. Your life is definitely full and adventurous! I too am addicted to twitter and just started to follow you (I'm @MamaDweeb)

    I will see you around!

  4. You have such a wonderful family! So glad you stopped by my blog for a visit.

  5. How did I miss this Blog Hop... I'm not at BlissDom either! :( The problem with having an anonymous blog is that you can't exactly ask anyone to watch your kids so you can go to a blogger conference for the weekend... and the job... that kind of gets in the way too... although maybe if I attended some of these conferences, I wouldn't NEED my day job anymore....

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! So glad to "meet you" in this bloghop, Blissdom or not.

  7. Thanks for following me at Teens and a Toddler... I am following you back!

  8. Pleasure to meet you! My oldest is 18 and will be graduating from high school and the community college with his 2 year degree this year. Hard to believe. Of course he will always be my baby! LOL Thanks for stopping by and visiting me! I look forward to coming back and reading more of your blog! :)

  9. Thanks for the sweet comments! Following you now! Happy Bloghop!

  10. following you your blog!
    Frances @ Working on the Simple Life

  11. Stopping by from the blizzard hop! Great to meet you and your family.

    And you have my admiration for being a single parent of four! I was a single parent for my son's first 6 years.

    Jeanine @DressingMyTruth

  12. Thanks so much for stopping by "Our Crazy Life".

    You have beautiful kids.

    Looking forward to reading more :)


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