Saturday, January 29, 2011

Katherine Heigl Phone Conference

wallpaperLAWKI_2_1024x768 I’m such a little blog. Even my Marvelous Mom Reviews isn’t that big and my following, aside from the blog hop followers, is relatively small. I’m not able to work with some big name companies, but I’ve been blessed with some incredible opportunities that sprout up out of nowhere.

This is one of those opportunities. A couple weeks ago I was contacted by a gal I’ve worked with before on the Flipped DVD release. She told me Life As We Know It was coming out on DVD and did I want to be part of the release. To be honest I only went to a couple movies last year and this was one of them! I actually REALLY loved this movie.

Then, then I found out the bloggers involved in this release were going to be in on a phone conference with…Katherine Heigl! I can’t work with big name companies but I can talk to an A list actress like Katherine! We sent in 3 questions that we wanted to ask her. Of course, since I’m a mom, I was curious about her relatively new life as an adoptive mom.

Bridget who writes for Modern Mom facilitated the discussion. We were all just listening to the questions being asked and Katherine’s responses. So, what were some of the questions?

  • Did being a mom in real life help her role in Life As We Know It?
  • Being in the public eye, how do you maintain your true self?
  • Is your husband Mr. Mom when you are on set?
  • Have you introduced your daughter to Korean customs or will you?
  • How do you balance sick kids and a career?
  • Does being a parent change how you view the roles you'll take or the roles you've played in the past? Are there any movies you've been in that you wouldn't want your daughter to see?
  • What’s the best parenting advice she’s received
  • What traditions are you passing on?
  • Do you have date nights?
  • What tricks does she have to get her baby to settle down?
  • How do you define being a successful mom?
  • Top favorite moment with your daughter?
  • How would you feel if your daughter wanted to be a model or actress?
  • How do you decompress?
  • What life lessons do you want to teach your daughter?

buddy_icon_98x98_CastA Now, I have to be honest, those questions aren’t verbatim. I was sitting in my van during my work break trying to listen to the conversation, write down the blogger’s name & site, write down the question, and then write down the answer. I apologize to any of the bloggers in case I muddled up their question.

The biggest thing I got from this conversation was how down to earth Katherine is. It was so funny because I just didn’t know what to expect from her. Would she be some snotty actress who sees herself wasting her time with some lowly “bloggers”? Would she be “just the facts mam”? None of us knew.

She was absolutely girl-next-door. She’s like the mom you sit next to in your toddler class at community ed. She enthusiastically answered the questions. I wish we could’ve had responded to her answers, but it would’ve turned into a 5 hour gabfest. From what I could tell, she didn’t hold back. Katherine answered the questions right off the top of her head. It was a really cool experience.

Katherine, my oldest daughter is 19. If you ever want to chat drop me a line. LOL I’d be happy to talk kids with you. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy life and chatting with us moms. It was a blessing for sure!

I’ll be letting you know more on Monday about the chance to win the DVD and Soundtrack!


  1. Katie is the best. She is so down to earth and genuine. Honest and a super sweetheart. Looking forward to your interview!

  2. That is so awesome. She's one of my favorites!

  3. Wow, how incredibly cool is that!! I had the chance to interview a celebrity fitness guru right after my 3rd child was born. I put so much work in to it and never had the guts to publish it ... this year I'm trying to overcome all those little hang ups. Maybe I should go search my archives for it ... what do you think? Is it too late

  4. How very exciting! I haven't seen the movie, but my daughters saw it and loved it. I'll put it at the top of my queue.

    And thank you so much for your great comment on my guest post over at The Girl. It's good to know when you share your humiliation that someone appreciates it.

  5. How cool is that!?! Grey's hasn't been the same since she left.


  6. How very cool for you, Mimi. I'm glad you had this experience.

  7. What a super-cool opportunity!

    Hugs & love,

  8. This is such a great opportunity! Glad she was super nice.

  9. How cool is that? So cool that you got that opportunity x

  10. Oh wow! This is the best! I love Katherine Hegl, and I think it's amazing the opportunity you got. See, this is what blogging is all about!


Thank you for taking the time out of your day to comment!