Saturday, January 29, 2011

Project 52: Week 4

Yes, I was much better at taking photos this week. The kids, at least 3 of them, headed to my aunt’s to celebrate Christmas. Then on Sunday we went to my step-daughter’s for her baby shower and for my boys to celebrate Christmas with her son, their nephew, Little P. Little P is only a year younger than his Uncle Doodle. Then Buddy went to spend the night at Baby’s college. Yes, he was excited to say the least. So here’s a few photos from our past week:
IMG_5029 The kids all scored books from their Aunt B
IMG_5040Then Baby needed a nap because she’d done an overnight at her job.
IMG_5041Uncle Buddy and Uncle Doodle playing with their nephew.
Step-daughter getting some GREAT outfits. Do you see her baby body bust behind her?
I’m not exactly sure who is hosting this now LOL I may be doing this project on my own since the person hosting it hasn’t done it the last couple of weeks. It’s all good.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry your meme leader dropped out, lol!

    I like looking at your week, though.

    Hugs & love,


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