Saturday, January 8, 2011

Project52: Week 1

I had wanted to start a photography project at the beginning of the year, but since I’m not a planner, we’re already on day 8 of the new year and I’ve not joined one project. Until now that is!project52button2-300x275Life as a CEO started Project 52 so it looks like we’re off on an adventure of 52 weeks of picture taking. Now all I have to do is remember to take the photos and link them up! That should be a challenge enough.
Thankfully I’ve had the opportunity to take photos this week. My boys got their hair cut, but being the ever bad and unfair mom, only took photos of Doodle afterwards. I just loved how the gal did his hair. Oh my goodness, he just ate up that attention and thought he looked like the cat’s meow.
I was going to add photos of Buddy’s basketball game today, but the camera battery is low which will take forever to charge and download..blah, blah, blah.
Project 52 Week 1What’s been going on this week in your life in photos? Head over to Life as a CEO and link up!
PS My original post was a lot more lively, but my computer shut off w/out warning and I hadn’t saved my post yet. UGH so I lost my post-by-the-seat-of-my-pants inspiration! Sorry!


  1. I'm so glad you decided to join me for Project 52!! I can't wait to see what you have going on this year!!

  2. Love the haircut too! My kids love faux hawks!


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