Thursday, January 13, 2011

Shameless Promotion: Vote 4 My Son?

I love entering contests where I get to share with the world how adorable my kids are. I know, I’m a bit biased, but what are you going to do?

Disney’s website is having a photo contest in which I’ve entered Doodle. If his photo has the most votes for the Disney Junior: Be Part Of The Magic photo contest his photo will be part of the Disney Junior premier week, February 15.

Since kids have to be 2-7 Doodle is getting in under the wire as a 7 year old! CLICK HERE TO VOTE.

Here’s the photo I entered:IMG_4826There’s a month of voting and I’d love to keep Doodle at the top. If you’d like a reminder to vote, please let me know and I’ll send you a reminder. If you could “Like” him on the page of his photo that’d be helpful as well.

I’d like to thank you ahead of time for voting for my little guy and for forgiving my self promotion of him. =)


  1. Now, there's a cutie pie - although I must say - my grandson....well... he's a cutie too and also only 7 - perhaps I should just enter his picture.

    Just kidding. Great looking boy you got there.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Wednesday. I just voted for your son. Good luck & have a great weekend.

  3. I'll go vote & send me reminders so I'll remember.



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