Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Star Wars Legos

Here are the Star Wars Legos Buddy got for Christmas. He did an amazing job putting them together. Huge shout out to grandma who broke the bank for my son’s presents. He grabbed my camera and started snapping


ACK. I forgot to remind everyone to visit these awesome Wordless Wednesday Participants: 5 Minutes for Mom, Two of A Kind Working on a Full House, and That Bald Chick.


  1. What a good mama to share these pics. He did a great job and it appears that him and my little man would have tons in common, as he also got tons of star-wars legos for xmas.

  2. Oh girl, I love it. It reminds me of yester years when my lil man played with legos. Now he drives a car...wahhh

    Awesome images:)

  3. He certainly did a good job!! Great pics.

    Happy WW!

  4. I cannot wait until my son is old enough to put together some Star Wars lego. I predict it will be soon!

  5. Wow! That is an impressive collection. I bet he had a blast putting all those together.

  6. Very impressive job!!

    Thanks for hosting this WW linky . . . come by and link up to mine too . . . http://myfloridaparadise.blogspot.com/2011/01/wordless-wednesday-5-marvelous-meercats.html

    Have a wonderful Wednesday Mimi . . . Gina

  7. My nephew is totally into Star Wars Lego. He would love that!

  8. My son is a huge Lego (and Star Wars) fan. His room is full of assembled Legos.

  9. Amazing! I am actually a Star Wars junkie. ;)

  10. I've got a "builder" as well.....and I think my 2 year old is following in his footsteps!

  11. It looks like he got the deluxe kit. He did a great job putting it all together.

  12. Do you have room to keep them out on display? I hope so because they're really cool!

  13. He did an awesome job building! I remember logs were one of my favorite toys. Happy Wednesday!

  14. Leggos were a big hit at my house this year too!

  15. Awesome job! My son got a Lego Star Wars kit one year and I know it takes a lot of patience and time.

  16. Always love visiting your site. You rock! Blessings from NanaHood!

  17. Looks like my house! Gotta love boys and their toys! :)

  18. Reminds me so much of my older son! Sadly he recently stopped playing with his Legos, he is 13

  19. Hurray for Grandmas! What a wonderful gift! Indeed, it is awesome and quite contagious to shop for our dear grandchildren. Mimi, your photo collage is great. Thanks for stopping by today... appreciate it!

  20. Oh, what fun! My oldest is lego obsessed.


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